SPOILER!!: Beatrice
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"Oh. You've been to Hawaii, sir? How was it?" That was on her list, right? To visit Hawaii. That place was magnificent, or so she heard but from the photographs she'd come across, it was really a paradise so it was on the list. And lots happened to her summer too. But YES, Mr. Librarian....what she wanted to talk about was the events that took place during the summer that the Headmistress mentioned at the Feast. "Erm, sorry sir. But I just, I want to know....why the school has suddenly become poor when that Auction from last term must have earned thousands of galleons. Also, the house elves.....Mr. Kitridge, why did they resign?" Meh. She had questions but if he didn't want to give her or didn't have the answers she needed then she was not going to hold anything against him.
But she did hope that the Librarian would be able to clear up some of her inquiries.
"I'm not sad, sir." She was just....frustrated about it all. Most especially, because them Prefects weren't even informed of it. Not even a tiny bit of information. Siiiiigh. Now the man was offering her some ice cream. Who was she to say no? "Ice cream would be wonderful, sir." She smiled broadly at him. Ice cream, ice cream. The only one with her through thick and thin. She could use a huge bowl right about now.
Nodding Leo beamed.
"Yes, I visited Hawaii this summer with some old Hogwarts buddies. It was amazing and magnificent and just lovely. You see this trip to Hawaii was something we planned in our first year at Hogwarts to do after graduation. We never got around to it then so it was extra fun that we could organize it now." Yes it had been a vacation that he would remember for many years to come.
Ah, so that was why the prefect had come to see him. Watering his lips he shrugged as he responded.
"I'm sorry Beatrice but I don’t know why we’ve suddenly become poor or why the house elves resigned during the summer. The Headmistress and staff are looking into it and that is all that I can tell you at the moment." Even if it felt like an inadequate answer it was the only one that he could give her at the present time and besides why dwell on saaaaad things when you had ice cream?
"Wonderful, let’s go eat some ice cream now." he exclaimed clapping his hands together.
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Okay. Library... right. After only getting lost twice, Derry had made it to the library... and oh my goodness was it glorious. She'd definitely be spending a lot of time here, even if it was a little dusty.
But she had a couple of questions to ask first... so she went to the front desk and waited, since the librarian seemed to be a little preoccupied with a prefect right now...
Behind Beatrice another young woman, a brunette walked up. Greeting her with a smile Leo chirped happily
"Hello, is there anything I can help you with?"
Gesturing towards Beatrice he continued.
"Beatrice and I were just talking about heading back to my office to eat some ice cream. Would you like to join us?"