Astronomy Homework Lesson 1: Post 1 Jupiter's Satellite After Astronomy, Tora had grabbed her blue vacuum and, deciding that it was really time to go to bed, had postponed her homework for tomorrow. Then she got to the dormitory. Merlin was it dirty! ...and there goes her plans for postponing her homework... Ahh well. Now if she could only remember that spell... She knew that she had written it down somewhere in her notes. Ahh. Here it was. Right underneath the doodle of the Nebula and the Black Hole. 'Vacavus'. Well, here it goes! "Vacavus!" She said tapping the vacuum. vVvVvVVvVRROooOOOMMMMM! SHLUP SHLUP SHLUP
There! All clean! The vacuum powered down and Tora stowed it under her (now dust free) bed for tomorrow. She changed into her PJs and climbed into bed, taking her notebook with her to review. She fell asleep with the light still on and her notebook open in her lap.
Last edited by amadshade; 05-15-2013 at 02:27 PM.
Reason: OOC: Sorry had a bunch of ideas and didn't realize that I had posted the same homework in the Great Hall. (didn't edit post)