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Wandering... Wondering... Wondering while wandering...
Penelope was suddenly knocked back, nearly losing her balance but managing to stay up by stumbling back a few steps and putting her arms out to help maintain her balance. Blink. Blink. What had just happened?
Oh, someone was on the ground. Someone she was pretty sure she hadn't seen before. And apparently she'd run into them...or had THEY run into her? Who really knew?
This girl, apparently, was blaming her for it however.
"Sorry?" Except she wasn't really sure she WAS sorry considering the girl's attitude about it. "You are just as capable of watching where you're going too. You could've walked around me." It wasn't that difficult. And really, her pants and how expensive they were were what this girl was worried about now?
Merlin help her...
Gliding below the trees effortlessly, Herjenmie's large owl eyes scanned the pathway, gliding over the faces of each student as he flew over them. It didn't take him long to spot the person he was meant to deliver this package to. He hooted and swooped down to place the package on a tree stump, landing beside it.
The Penelope person got intent stares as he waited for her to retrieve the items. And feed him chocolate frogs.
He was obviously deserving of them.
SPOILER!!: Letter and Package
To:: Penelope Greenwell
From:: Kurumi Hollingberry
Dear Penelope,
I hope you are doing well. Or, um, as well as you can be given the circumstances that is. I wasn't sure what all to include in this "save us" package, so Lewis and I just fit as much stuff as we could. I have cookies in here, of course, along with a lot of stuff that you just need to add hot water to or heat up in order to eat. Hogwarts isn't charging you for water, right?!
Take care and let me know if you need anything else, okay?
I miss you!
Lots of love,
Kurumi Hollingberry
The letter is attached to a
medium sized package.