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Quick Quotes Quill
Tsk. Tsk.
Where was it?
Gwen eyed the books carefully. Hmm. She was looking for a potions book she had been meaning to read last year. And now she just couldn’t spot it. Erm. The Ravenclaw spent some time looking around, and still, there was no sign of the book. As she drew her attention to another part of the bookshelf, something caught her eye.
It may not be exactly what she was looking for, but still... She eyed the green covered book which was placed on a higher shelf. She rose on her toes, trying to grab the book but ehhh. FAIL. Still, she couldn’t reach for the book. Gwen was about to try again, when she heard someone say something.
Gwennie? Really? Gwen just raised an eyebrow. Pft. That didn’t sound good. But still... it was better than ‘Ice Princess’. ‘Hey Zeko’, she replied, giving a small smirk. Erm. Something was wrong. They were at the library... Zeke was actually at the library?
Good one.
Gwen just eyed the Gryffindor for a moment, trying to keep a straight face. ‘Erm... what are you doing here?’ Zeke. Library. Really. That was just odd. Anyway... Gwendolyn drew her attention back to the bookshelf. Pointing her wand at the green-covered book, she used a non-verbal ‘Wingardium Leviosa’ in order to get the book down. And it worked. Smirk.
His eyebrows raised at the mention of Zeko. Surprisingly, the Gryffindor
liked LOVED it. It was the first time he's been given a nickname..by Gwen, of all people. You remember that big wide grin on his face? You think it couldn't get any bigger? WRONG.
'..............what does she mean "what am I doing here?"' Blink. The happy face turned into a puzzled one.
"Erm, reading?" Silly Gwennie. He placed his right hand on her head and ruffled her hair, turned and walked a few steps towards the aisle where the stories were. HAH. Who knew he knew his way around a library? Gwen picked a book about potions...hmm. He never took her for a potions girl. But then again, there's a lot about her that he didn't really know.
Let's see here...what to pick. It is his first time reading a book from the library though so he can't seem to choose which one to read. Ask help from the Ravenclaw? That was the smart thing to do. His head turned to the right where Gwen was, SMILEEE.
"Hey Gwennie, d'ya think you can recommend a book for me over here?" His hand beckoned her to come forth, and his attention turned back at the books. Weird titles. Zeke wasn't exactly sure what he was looking for. Adventure? Comedy? Horror? Ehh.