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Old 05-11-2013, 09:16 AM   #9 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Default Ellaaaaaa can get into the office now
Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War |

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
N'awww, Feo was really cute and Ella couldn't help but giggle at the crup as he chased her hands. Adorable pet was adorable, okay?

BLUSH. "Thank you, Sir." Grin. "That means a lot and I worry lots too. It's sort of hard not to worry so I understand." Nodnod. And that's why she was here, y'know, cause she was worried. "Just be careful not to...?"

Oh, Dylish.

"Hello," Ella said quietly, noting the serious look on the older boy's face. She bit her lip and watched as Botros spoke to him, wondering if she should come back later or not. She could wait if Dylan needed to speak privately with the man. She didn't mind.
Originally Posted by THE Govoni View Post
Is everything alright? No.

"Sir, I couldn't help but notice that the Runes Workshop is closed." Dylan rubbed tiredly at his face. He'd looked forward to coming back and doing more of those word searches...and playing with the clay. Nasty Slytherins could like that stuff, too. "Is there any word on when that'll be opened?"

Oh phew. No one died. Botros let out a small sigh and put a hand on Bishop's shoulder, "Why don't you go ahead and wait in the office, miss Bishop? I'll be right behind you. There's tons of parchment papers on the floor, just be careful not to step on any. They're ancient." He offered her a polite smile and watched Feo follow!jumping after her.

Taking a step closer to the soon-to-be graduate, Botros tried to give the boy a don't-worry-smile but only managed to show concern. He didn't like it when kids faced tough situations that made them feel helpless. Especially kids that were not kids anymore and would want to assist or be productive. "As you have been informed at the feast, Mr. Montmorency, the school is undergoing a challenging... situation." The headmistress must've mentioned something about this, the students ought to be on the know to some extent or everything would go in chaos. "You might be surprised to know how much it costs to keep such a place open - Well, open with enough equipment." The room was still there, of course, but bare... save for the tables and chairs.

"However, even without a workshop, I still have some pretty challenging activities for you kids this term." BRO!SHOULDER-PAT. "It's really pleasing to see a student interested in Runes workshop, and cares enough to ask." He was going to miss the boy after this year.
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