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Old 05-11-2013, 05:15 AM   #14 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Stiffi Scholz
Second Year
Wibbly Wobbly | Timey Wimey

SPOILER!!: Minerva
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post

Minerva hated hearing that Taylor had a horrible summer, especially when her own summer was just amazing. She loved every minute of summer and felt that everyone should get to have a summer just as awesome. Feeling a little bit of hope when she heard Taylor talk about Brodie, Min smiled, “Well I’m glad he at least makes things a little better.” Then Min got the shock of the day when the sudden Taylor’s entire mood switched from horrible to fantastic and she had to laugh at her friend. Wow she did have it bad didn’t she. She watched as Taylor went into a ramble of feelings and couldn’t help but smile and laugh, because she knew exactly how Taylor felt. She was feeling the same way about Ethan, but she would know all too well next year how she felt with Brodie not around. That part made her frown a bit. Shaking her head, “No.. No your not annoying, I’m just happy to see you so happy. It’s great Taylor.”

Then it was time for Min to really perk up.. changing hair, “Blue streaks would be awesome.. I could so do that!” Minerva pulled her own hair around to look at the purple locks, ”Thanks I enjoy it this color, it’s actually been like this is some time now. “ She thought about her next question and shrugging reaching into her bag, “How about until now?” She reached up tapping her own head “Ristaris” Min’s hair turned from purple to a brighter pink. Not usually a typical color, but she wanted to try something, giving Taylor a grin, “I also was thinking about doing this…ristaris” This time she tapped near her eyes and her baby blue eye color turned to a pink that matched her hair. Looking at Taylor she wondered, “Well what do you think?” Chuckling a bit Min didn’t mind the questions at all, “Taylor why would you apologize for asking me questions. Don’t worry about it.”

When the topic went back to Brodie and the money situation Min looked at Taylor, “Yeah I can watch out for him. If he ever needs anything he can find me in the common room, let him know that. I haven’t seen him since the train though. Did he sit with you at the feast?” She got the notion that he didn’t have much money, which she understood that very well, but was that the issue Damon and Maxwell had with him. She tried to remember and thought it most likely had to be. “Yeah I just don’t’ understand how they didn’t send owls about this before school started and expected students to have money with them. We have never paid for anything before.” Shrugging she didn’t know if snooping would get them anywhere except detention and Min was not going to end up there. “Well I think if we ask to many questions if we are really not suppose to know, then we could probably get into some trouble, but a housemate and I thought about trying to find the Elf that stayed and ask him or her what was going on.”

What a great idea Min thought as she watched Taylor play with the puff, “I think Fluffy would love a play date. She misses Grim and Pixie. I caught her going up to the boys dorm looking for them this morning. I have to keep telling her Damon’s gone, which means so is his pets, but she just keeps hoping I think. So getting her together with a friend would make her one happy fluff ball.” A smile crossed Min’s face as Ethan was brought up.. One of her favorite topics of course, “ Yeah he is trying out again, he is an amazing chaser. I just get so nervous watching with the bludgers.” but she was trying to get over it.. All part of the game. “Oh we have been together a year and a half now. We started dating Valentine’s Day of fourth term.” Well her fourth term at least. Smiling she nodded before finished her conversation and headed closer to the tree. Smirking knowing it new she was there she saw the branch come flying towards her and she jumped, “Just like old times..” She chuckled as the branch came for round two. “Anyway, yes he is a Prefect, I think he is going to be a wonderful prefect.” There was no hiding how proud she was of her boyfriend and how wonderful she thought he was. Shaking her head she got distracted, “No.. no.. I’m not amazing, especially at quidditch, I have a lot of work ahead of me and really need to practice a little more before tryouts, but I really do hope to make it this term.” That was one of her goals for the term.

Taylor nodded and beamed. She thought about her handsome and wonderful boyfriend. Tay looked at Min, ”Yeah. I am so lucky to have such an amazing boyfriend. Brodie really does make my life wonderful. He treats me better than any other boy I have been with… He aint as jealous as Maxwell got. He isn’t overly protective like Damon is… He is just perfect.” Taylor sighed happily. ”He treats me like I am a princess or even a goddess.” Tay blushed, ”He might not spoil me with money and expensive things especially since his family can hardly get by but he spoils me in love and happiness. He tries to do small things to brighten my day.” She sighed happily and started to sway at the thought of being in his arms soon. ”I know I must sound silly but I love him. Yeah, I am young… maybe even too young to think that but he just gets the real me… He might have used me for my money the first time we dated but he learnt from his mistake and made up for it. I feel so loved just by being around him. We don’t even need to talk when we are together… Just being close to him helps brighten my day despite what happened during it.” Taylor giggled and started to dance around Minerva, ”I love feeling this way. It is absolutely wonderful!” Tay laughed and spun then stopped dancing. She glanced at Minerva for a few silent seconds before screaming in joy. She started to dance even more then and wasn’t looking at where she was going. Taylor stumbled and fell down onto the ground. She looked up at Minerva as she felt like she was spinning out of control just lying there. Tay giggled and sat up as the spinning ended. ”Sorry I get so excited when I am talking about him.Het is my favorite topic.” She beamed and stood up again. Taylor ruffled her curls and dusted herself off. ”It is wonderful to feel this happy… I have a horrible family life but being with him makes me forget about it even if it is for a short while.” Her whole aura change when she spoke or thought of Brodie. It was almost as if she was two totally different people… the gloomy Taylor and the hyper in love Taylor. ”I love feeling this way… It calms me down and relaxes me even if I am so stressed that I want to scream, shout, punch or even cry.” Taylor grew silent after she said that though so to try not to ramble even more about Brodie. She didn’t want to annoy Minerva and she felt like if she kept going that she would eventually annoy her friend if she hasn’t already.

She beamed as Minerva said that her idea of blue streaks was awesome. Taylor laughed and looked at her, ”Will you pretty please do it soon for me some day if not today?” Tay ran a hand through her golden curls before admiring Minerva’s purple hair again. ”The purple looks fantastic on you so I can see why you would love it.” Her eyes grew, ”Wait… you kept that color for a long time?” Her face showed her surprise and then when Minerva suddenly changed it to bright pink after asking ‘how about now’ she laughed. ”I should have expected that.” Tay giggled and smiled at her friend, ”You always have been spontaneous like that.” Taylor nodded then watched as Mn’s eyes turned pink to match her hair. She debated the eye color then shrugged. ”They look amazing on you, like everything else but…” Tay paused and considered what she was going to say next and whether or not to say it. Taylor decided to say it. ”But… don’t you think the pink eyes are a bit… I don’t know… overkill? I mean they are the color of your hair and that kind of dulls your eyes since they blend into your hair though it does look pretty and also very cool so I don’t know… It really depends… I guess.” Tay debated while glancing at the hair and the eyes a few more minutes, ”I see pros and cons to it so I cant offer much of an opinion of it that I haven’t said before.” Tay laughed, ”I think I sound too serious while debating it…” Taylor started to giggle and rub her forehead, ”Sorry about that…” She smiled at Minerva and admired her beauty for a few seconds, ”You are naturally pretty though… I am a bit jealous actually.” A light smile played at her lips as she teased her friend. ”But not too much since I have an absolutely amazing boyfriend… though you have a good boyfriend too…” She giggled, ”Oooooooh! What if we go on a double date during a Hogsmeade weekend? That is if we still can go there with all the money saving things…” A frown appeared at the whole money deal.

Tay smiled at Minerva. ”Thanks so much. You don’t know how much that means to me.” Taylor hugged her friend then twirled in happiness. She nodded at what Minerva said, ”Yeah, I will tell him that when I met him by the lake later today.” Tay was beaming again at the thought of Brodie but it wasn’t as bright as earlier since the whole money situation dim down her excitement and happiness. She shook her head, ”No… He didn’t sit with me at the feast.” Taylor pouted, ”I haven’t seen him since the train either.” Tay sighed and glanced away before looking back at Minerva, ”The first time I get to see him is later at the lake so I am super excited!” She started to bounce with excitement. Taylor started to twirl and dance again, like she always did when she is overly excited and happy. When they started to talk about the money thing again, her happiness evaporated and she settled down. ”I know right? I mean they should have the courteous of owling and telling us that we need money for practically every single thing here. I mean how the heck do they expect us just to bring millions of knuts? Some of us cant afford that… I need to owl Mother so that I can get some more but what about people like Brodie? They cant just owl their parents, demanding more money when their parents don’t have much to spare!” Tay huffed and crossed her arms, ”It is ridiculous! How did they expect us to be prepared? I mean you just even said that we never had to do anything like this before!” Tay was, obviously, annoyed and angry at this whole thing. She nodded at what Minerva said. ”Yeah… you are probably right. I didn’t think about that. I don’t really want to get in trouble… especially this early in the term. It might mess up our chances at being on the team though you are probably the only one out of us two to even get on a team. I suck so bad at quidditch” Taylor glanced at Minerva, ”Oh… that is a really good idea…” Tay nodded, ”That probably will work… I mean a house elf cant punish you for asking some questions and you might find out something .” She braided her head a little and sighed, ”Do ya know which one it is though? I mean there seem to be a lot of house elves around here… or at least there were… I haven’t see any yet this year so I don’t know if they did away with them but I doubt they did since it is free labor and don’t cost a thing unlike the professors… Speaking of professors, am I the only one that noticed that the news ones are from the board of governors? I wonder if the old professors got kicked out to save money and the board just got put in place of them so that they can watch over the running of Hogwarts as well as saving money from replacing professors with board members…” Taylor trailed off and glanced off at a distance.

Taylor pulled her mind back when Minerva started talking about the puffs. She beamed as Mins said that it was a great idea. Tay giggled at the story her friend was telling. ”That is hilarious but sad… I loved that she is so intelligent that she knew where they would be if they were here… I feel so bad that she lost her friends at school. People are stupid if they think that pygmy puffs don’t have feelings… This is just proof that they do!” She nodded, ”I hope so! Crystal needs to make new friends. She is so used to roaming around with Damon’s pets since we spent so much time with them so maybe Fluffy and Crystal will hit it off fantastically!” Tay smiled as they switched topics from their puffs to Ethan. ”It would be fun to play with him if we both get on the team. I doubt that Ethan wont get on the team… He is amazing!” Taylor nodded, ”Yeah, he is an awesome chaser.” She chuckled, ”Don’t worry, he will be fine. I mean Ethan is a strong guy who can easily take a hit if need be. He is fast so I doubt that he would get hit by many if at all.” When Minerva started talking about when they started dating, Taylor immediately ‘aww’ed at her. ”You two started to date on Valentine ’s Day? That is soooooooo romantic!” It was obvious that Tay loved all the romantic crap like that. ”A year and a half of dating? That is delightful! I am so happy for you two. You seem made for each other.” She had a huge smile as she thought about Ethan and Minerva being together. She watched as Minvera jumped at the branch and made sure to jump as well so that she wouldn’t get knocked over and bruised up. Tay focused on the tree a little and laughed, ”Yeah… very old times.” Taylor jumped a few more times before replying to Minerva, ”He will make a fine prefect. He is the most qualified of us all to become one… at least of the Ravenclaws I know which isn’t saying much since I don’t even know that many people at this school…” Her eyes widen, ”Oh my gosh… does that make me a loner?!?” She glanced at Mins, ”I mean a loner but not as bad as Damon was when I first met him and introduced him to our group that is…” Tay laughed and looked at the tree, jumping one or two more times. ”You are amazing at quidditch… I don’t know why you are putting yourself down. I mean you are more amazing at it then me, ya know.” Taylor glanced at her friend while still jumping away from the branches, ”Want to practice with me? I need to freshen up my skills… I am super rusty and I feel like if I don’t practice a few times before try-outs, that it wouldn’t matter if I show up to them or not since I wont be able to even be in the average group… I would be like down at the firsties or newbies level which is terrible…” Tay lor sighed a little and looked at her friend.
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