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There always had to be at least one trip to the Whomping Willow a year. No questions asked. It just had to happen! It was the most epic tree she'd ever been attacked by and she liked the half dead thing...even if it had a temper that sucked.
Plus this was a double dose of awesome because she was meeting up with Brooke!! It was always good to catch Ravenclaws while the term was still new, you know, before they locked up and decided to bond with their textbooks. A horrid habit really and she never did see the appeal.
As she approached the tree she saw the girl was already there!! WOOT. "Hey!" She said with a wide grin before plopping down next to her. "Don't you just love this tree?" She DID.
Brooklyn returned the other girl's smile and laughed. "Definitely. I wish there was a tree like this back home. I would throw my sister at it when she got annoying." She paused, tilting her head. "Actually, I couldn't do that to an innocent tree."
She watched the trees branches swing around (from the breeze or actual movement on the tree's part, she didn't know). "You looking forward to another [i]fun[i/] year at Hogwarts? I don't know if I want another vicious plant to show up or not, but it better at least not be boring."
When Brooklyn got bored, thinks got broken. It was a sad, but true, fact of life. One that not many people enjoyed, but she figured that it was their fault anyway for not keeping her entertained.