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Hogwarts RPG Name: Adrienne Rebecca Colbert Seventh Year | The Last of Her Kind SPOILER!!: Zyanya Quote:
Originally Posted by hpvoldy Zyanya stepped into the common room, tired but excited nonetheless. Her mom had explained about the place and it was exactly the same. She couldn't help but smile like an idiot. Here she was, in the Ravenclaw common room, the very place she had wanted to be. She looked around for people, but it was empty except for a bunch of students. She went closer and spotted three girls. One was Isobel, the first year she had met at the feast. The other two she didn't know. She stepped forward and said with a smile,"Hi! Can I join you?". She hoped she was not interrupting. “Zyanya, hi!” Isobel said, remembering having met the girl earlier at the feast. “Did you enjoy your ice cream?” It would have been pretty hard to enjoy the food, but the ice cream was admittedly pretty delicious. “Of course, we were just talking about the new turnstiles and the budget cuts and lack of house-elves and stuff.” Huh, it felt like she’d just finished saying that to Tora. Well, it was a good thing people were joining her, anyway, and it’s not like she wouldn’t have plenty of time to read before she went to bed. There was no way she was leaving this room before morning and having to pay another knut just to get back in. SPOILER!!: Niamh Quote:
Originally Posted by giant_squid_fan Niamh saw a frown briefly cross Isobel's friend's face. She thought she had heard Isobel call her Tora, but Niamh wasn't completely sure. There was a moment where Tora opened her mouth as if to speak, but didn't, as if she had thought better of it. After listening to Tora talk about her allowance, Niamh soon realised that Tora was one of the students who may end up in serious trouble nearer the end of term when their money began to run out. Isobel had already offered them a hand with knuts, and Niamh was torn in two. She wanted to offer help to Tora too, as money had never been an issue for the Anfield-Hopes, but at the same time, Niamh was a caring girl and she didn't want Tora to feel uncomfortable about being surrounded by people with plenty of money. Although, Niamh reminded herself, if her allowance runs out that doesn't mean her family can't send her some more. In the end she settled for thanking Isobel with a, "Thanks; I should be ok though," and saying to both girls, "If either of you need anything, you know where I am. Not just knuts, but anything. Advice on boys, help with homework or spells you find hard. I just can't help you with the layout and rules of Hogwarts, since I'm in the same position as you. But whatever else you need, don't be afraid to ask me." This was the longest speech Niamh had made to anyone in Hogwarts so far and when she'd finished she looked a bit taken aback with herself, as if she wasn't sure where all those words came from.
Trying to keep her mind on the conversation, Niamh heard Isobel say something about fake coins. "It'd be good if you could make one on a string, and haul it back, but you'd get caught quickly for sure. They're busy areas after all." Musing on this for a while, Niamh added, "I bet there's some heavy magic on them too though. You can't duck under them or use any magic to open them at all."
Noting with interest that Isobel had a small sister, Niamh said, "What's her name? My sister is seven. We'll never be at school together. Shame really." Addressing Tora, Niamh asked, "What about you? It's Tora isn't it? Is Gram your Grandma?" Niamh wondered about the girl's family, but it wasn't the kind of thing you'd bring up in conversation unless they did first and Niamh didn't want to upset anyone. Especially when all of them were far from home and in this strange, scary, new place.
Another girl came over to the little group. She looked quite young too. Inwardly, Niamh sighed, I feel like the odd one out, she thought morosely. Externally, she smiled at the newcomer and said, "Hello, I'm Niamh. I'm in Fourth Year but I'm as new as the First Years. This is Isobel and, I think, Tora." “Yeah, okay,” Isobel said awkwardly, glad to hear that Niamh was offering things as well, so she wasn’t alone. Advice on boys, though, that was a laugh. Isobel had a feeling she’d be single through all seven of her Hogwarts years, and she was very okay with that. Boys were confusing, and while she didn’t mind having them as friends, she didn’t want to deal with all of the drama that relationships caused. “Thank you,” she said sincerely, smiling at Niamh. “That could work on the common room ones,” Isobel said, nodding, “but what would you do for the ten knuts in the great hall?” It would be hard to put the same coin in ten times, that would look really weird and arouse a lot of suspicion. “That’s true as well, though, there’s some kind of force field if you try to go under them.” She herself hadn’t tried, but someone else standing by the door had, and they recoiled immediately from the entrance to the common room. “The headmistress probably enchanted them herself or something,” she said gloomily. There really was no way they were going to get in without paying, was there. “Katie,” Isobel replied. “Well, technically, Katherine Rosalin, but nobody calls her that, not even my mum, who chose the name in the first place.” Her mum’s boyfriend had tried to protest, saying that she should be named after his sister or something, but for some reason she was completely adamant about the name, so it was kept. “How about your sister, what’s her name?” she asked, genuinely curious. Back home, most couples only had one kid, and situations like her family were unheard of. “I know, it would have been nice if I could show her around on her first day and introduced her to professors and stuff. I guess that’ll never happen, though.”
Last edited by aaetha; 05-10-2013 at 05:23 PM.