Greenhouses: Herbology Lesson One Herbology Lesson One
Despite the chaos that has been the beginning of term, the greenhouses appear, for the most part, to be untouched. Everything is in its rightful place, neat and tidy. With the exception of the stores cupboard... which is has been virtually cleared out. A number of stools are situated in rows near the entrance to the greenhouse.
Professor Bentley is not yet present, so you're free to take a seat, look around, mind you don't go breaking any rules. Lesson Progression: Identify the plant... How could we get the seed pods? Volunteer? Activity One: Severing/Catching Umbrella Flower Pods (experimenting with activity formats... we'll see how this goes XD) Second Volunteer? Activity One: Continued Activity Two: Collect the Seeds Compost and Clean Up OOC: The lesson has started! If you haven't done so already then please read through the Herbology Rules and Expectations and the SS Site Rules. All SS Board Rules apply. IC rule breaking will result in IC punishment, OOC rule breaking will result in OOC punishment. |