Join Date: Sep 2011
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Stiffi Scholz Second Year x8
| soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fur... Wibbly Wobbly | Timey Wimey Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Min flopped over to her stomach laying in the grass and looking up at Taylor, she felt her good mood slipping as she started feeling bad for her friend, why could she never have a moment of happiness, why did it always seem like she was upset or something bad was happening. This just baffled Minerva. "I'm sorry you had a bad summer. That must have been horrible..whatever it was." Oh she didn't want to talk about it, well that was alright, Min would push it. "I understand not wanting to talk, let's think of something else....Like how do you feel having Brodie here now?" Yes that should put a smile on her face, right? Watching Taylor play with her hair Minerva chuckled, "We could always change it to blue again." She tried to think what term that was that Taylor wanted her to change her entire hairstyle, not that Min minded, she did her's all the time. Purple at the moment, but she was feeling a change soon.
She tried to force her eyes to stay into place and not roll. She didn't want to cause a fight with Taylor, not now, with Damon gone the hole thing was just dumb to argue about. "Well most families from all cultures that I have noticed are not that touchy and seem to someone that doesn't know them in a relationship, but it's whatever Tay. No big deal." She gave Taylor a you have to be kidding look, "Well yeah some.. Sometimes Tay you come off like your coming on to Damon and with others at time, I'm not sure you even realize you are being flirty if that's what you want to say it was." But others really did see that at times, they even fought over it a few terms ago.
Watching Fluffly jump over to Taylor and bounce a bit over excitement from being petted, Minerva shrugged, "I think something fishy is going on that the professors aren't saying. Hogwarts does not just go broke over a summer, something had to have happened. She glanced at the grass and played with it in her hands. "I just hope whatever happened it gets fixed quickly, I can't believe they expect students to even carry money on them, let alone enough for everything without warning."
Perking up when Taylor said she would play, Minerva got to her feet. She hadn't done this in a while, she hoped her reflexes were still sharp. "Well from experience that is easier said then done. I felt like I was going to lose it when Ethan was hit last term. Even though I've played, I've broke things with those bludgers, it was still hard to watch. " Oh and Taylor was going out for the team again, "Good Luck, I think I might watch your tryouts since Eliza and Ethan are trying out as well. I think you'll do great Tay, you've been on before." So it should be easy, right.. "Oh yeah.. I'm trying out again, I miss playing, hopefully I can make it." She looked down at her hand, not that anything was wrong with it, just looking, "Actually played a bit over the summer, broke my hand with a dumb bludger, thankfully Ethan's aunt fixed it for me." Looking down she scooped up Fluffy and set the pygmy puff further from the tree. "Now don't you move.." Turning back to the tree and then Taylor, "Haven't done this in a few terms, you ready?" Taylor looked at Minerva and nodded, “Yeah… it was dreadful!” Tay pouted and sighed. ”I always seem to have a terrible summer… It isn’t fair!” Tay stomped her foot a little but her mood quickly brightened at the mention of her amazingly awesomely fantastically sweet kind handsome dreamy cool intelligent wonderful boyfriend. Taylor nodded, “I love it! I would miss him so much if he wasn’t going to be going to school here. I missed him so much last term.” She pouted a little then went back to smiling… well actually she was beaming. The sunshine seemed to be shining directly on her as she stood up and starting to twirl in delight at thinking of her boyfriend. Her braid came apart since she didn’t have anything holding it in place. The curls spread out and twirled with her until she stopped then they fell and went down her back in waves of cascading curls. The golden curls seemed to reflect the sunshine, making Tay seem bright. One single curl didn’t land on her back though. It landed against her cheek and fell in front of her. Taylor giggled and looked at Minerva, “Last term I only got to see him at Hogsmeade or over break and even then half the time he was running to work.” She sighed, ”But now, I get to see him almost every day I want! We can spend hours of uninterrupted time together and just have a talk without worrying about when he or I had to go. I am going to love it!” Talking about Brodie seemed to make her feel weightless. ”Sorry, I must be annoying right now but…” Tay sighed happily, ”I just am in love with him…” Taylor beamed and fell back into the grass, beaming up at the sunny sky. ””Isnt love amazing?” Tay glanced up at Minerva as she mentioned the idea of dying Taylor’s hair blue. She nodded, ”Yeah, maybe… but perhaps instead of all blue, we can do blue streaks? Perhaps it will be house spirited…” She giggled then gestured to Minerva’s purple hair. ”I love your purple hair. Your hair always looked so amazing. I love how frequently you change the colors. It suits your personality. How long has it been purple? How long will it be purple? Have you decided on what color you are doing next?” Tay blushed, ”Sorry for so many questions… I am just interested.”
Taylor tried not to huff when Minerva started talking about Damon. She didn’t want to be lectured or what not. Her good mood started to sour a little and tears came to her eyes at the thought of Damon. Tay glanced at the tree and closed her eyes, taking a few deep breathes before reopening them and looking at Minerva. The tears had vanished and thinking about Brodie brought her smile back… until the flirting part. She looked confused for a moment. Tay never flirted with boys who she wasn’t dating or about to date… at least to her knowledge, that is but apparently it seemed like she did. Taylor tried to push all of this out of her head and she did a slight wave of her hand, hoping that Minerva wouldn’t think of her as being rude since she was trying not to get into a fight by talking about this. Damon made her think of Brodie and her worry about Brodie grew, “Minerva… can you keep an eye on my boyfriend, please? He got sorted into your house and I don’t mean like a spying eye but more of a concerned eye if that makes any sense… I am worried that he wouldn’t be able to sleep in a bed or eat since you have to pay for that…I am giving him a bag of knuts though… to give me a bit of a break from worrying too much for a few days at least.” She glanced down, ”He is stubborn and doesn’t like being helped out financially though…” A sigh came out as she sat up.
Taylor giggled at Fluffy, thinking she was so cute. She sat up and petted her some more, thinking of her own puff. “Your puff is soooo cute!” Tay beamed, ”Next time we meet up, we should both bring our puffs so they can have a play-date while we hang and talk. We can have fun watching them and playing with them!” She looked up from petting the little ball of fur, ”Wouldn’t that be a good idea?” She liked the idea but she did come up with it so maybe it wasn’t that good of one… which was why she asked Mins. Mins would tell her straight up whether or not her idea was good. She went back to watching the little puff for a few more minutes before looking at Minerva again. Tay nodded, ”Yeah. I agree… something is very fishy. I wonder how much they know… Perhaps we should go snooping around to see what we can find.” Again, she looked at Minerva for some knowledge if her idea was good or bad. ”I mean how can a school go broke if the only new thing they added were the monkey-taking things? It doesn’t make any sense!” At that, she stood up, ”Yeah, I hope all gets fixed quickly as well. I cant believe it either. I mean they should have warned us or at least our parents!” Tay crossed her arms, ”I wonder what Mother would have to say about this… She probably get mad and yell at them. Mom probably will come here; trying to figure out what the heck is going on here at school… How the heck do they expect us to pay to get into the common rooms and to get into the great hall? I mean do they just think we are made out of money? Do they expect us to be constantly having money on us? If so then they are extremely stupid and need to be replaced!” Tay huffed and stomped her foot lightly, glaring at the castle. Taylor sighed and looked at the tree for a few moments then looked back at Minerva, trying to calm down. She succeeded a little and then plopped back down onto the ground.
Taylor sighed as Minerva stood up. She stood up again herself and brushed off the dirt on her outfit. Tay nodded, ”Yeah, easier said than done…” Taylor smiled, ”Thanks. You might? Nice. Ethan is trying out? I hope we make it both then! I hope you are right… I do want to get back on. I feel so rusty though since I haven’t practice much since I got rejected last term.” Taylor smiled at the thought of Ethan. She loved hanging with him since he was so nice and kind. He had helped her in the library and he was dating her good friend. ”How long have you been dating him again? Is it true that he is a prefect? Ethan would make an amazing prefect. He was perfect for the job! She made a mental note to hang out with him soon. Tay loved that they were in the same house though she wished he could trade houses with Brodie so that both Tay and Min will have their boyfriends in the same house… though that would probably get annoying after a while now that she thought about it. Taylor looked at Min, “Oh you are trying out? Well, you will, obviously, make the time since you are simply amazing.” Yep, yep! Min was amazing at whatever she does. Tay flinched at the story, ”Ouch! I hate bludgers… They are purely evil…” She had been hit too many times by them, ”That is good that his aunt healed your hand though.” Tay smiled a little at her friend. Taylor smiled down at the puff then looked at her friend and nodded. ”Yeah… haven’t played in ages.” Taylor paused, ”Are ya ready though?”
Last edited by Somnium; 05-10-2013 at 05:07 AM.
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