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Old 05-09-2013, 10:05 PM   #3 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War |

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Ella really didn't have anything she needed from Professor Botros. Instead she just really wanted someone to talk to about...the things going on. Someone who she looked up to and someone who she thought would be honest with her. honest as he could be given their student-teacher relationship. The blonde understood that he probably knew some things that she couldn't.

Knocking three times on the door, the sixteen year old stepped back and took a seat on the couch, hands placed in her lap.
Botros was on his hands and knees in the middle of his office when a knock came from the door. He had pieces of old torn parchments laid down on the floor, just like a scattered puzzle. Or well, it was a puzzle. Feo, his Crup, jumped from where he'd sat watching the old man and sprinted toward the door barking, happy for the distraction.

Ab struggled to get to his feet, using his staff and the chair nearby, waved it over the parchment pieces to hold them in their place and made his way to the door. If it was another banner this term too, he was so going to take it home to his room of memories. Upon opening the door, the Hufflepuff pinky-swear lovin' kid was sitting on one of the couched. Feo ran up to her, excited, and started jumping at her feet.

"Calm down boy, hello miss Bishop!" Oh look she had the badge, too. The professor gave her a wide smile, opening the door further. "Or shall we change that into Captain Bishop? Congratulations, I still find it rather extraordinary to see delicate young girls where beaters can get them." He worried too much and was rather old old-fashion, what else is new? "You want to come in?"
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