Lets go in, guys! :) ♥Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often♥
This was definitely not the way Ira had imagined her night at Hogwarts to go. And to top it off, she certainly didn't have any money on her person. With an annoyed expression on her face, Ira looked around and replied to Lex, "Nope, I don't have any.." No one had informed her that she needed a knut to go in her own dormitory and her own common room.
She turned sideways to see Jake. "Oh! Thank Merlins that I am not the only one not knowing it." she whispered quietly to her co-prefect. Atleast it wasn't as if she were at fault here.
"And no, nothing of this sort was mentioned in the letter." She was sure of it. Having like, no idea at all what to do, she just eyed the little girl in front of her who laid out some knuts, for others to use. Going towards the girl, she smiled and looked to others standing, "LISTEN UP.." she said loudly, "This little lioness has laid out some knuts for the others to use." A bit shame seeing that the prefects and the older students didn't have anything, and were needed to be helped by a first year.
Turning to Anya, she said, "Lets just use up the knuts first, and if they are less than required, you can put in your galleon."
"So, guys, move in.. and don't forget to thank Natasha." she said, pointing at the little girl. And she thought that it'd be better to go in last, seeing as she was a prefect.
"And, this is so not fair Jake... having to pay one knut every time we enter the common room." She said to her co prefect, as she watched the students go in, "I think we should go and talk to Professor Bentley." Or maybe even rebel against the rule.