A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Woah! wait a minute..hold up! Knockturn Alley girl yes he was calling her that now actually enjoyed the food at the start of term feast? The Slytherin raised his eyebrow while he stared at her. Poor kid if she thought that THIS was the best she had ever had. He shook his head though as another question popped up in his mind. "Professor? With the houselves gone" he glanced towards the new student for a second. She had listened to the Headmistress speech right? But he could see why she wouldn't ...he never did but this caught his attention..because..FOOD! "Who is making all the food this year?" Because they all had to eat right?
He grabbed the mug of hot chocolate and smiled when he saw that the spoon inside wasn't made out of plastic. He was slowly getting tired of cleaning his own plasticware... and it was only the beginning of the term! Maybe he should owl his father and ask him if he wanted to send some REAL cutlery. He took a sip and immediately placed the mug back down on the desk to eat the icecream.
When the professor asked if he was concerned about his post graduation, the Slytherin Prefect suddenly became a little nervous. It wasn't like him but he now stared at his legs as he nodded his head very slowly. "I..i never really thought about it and i'm leaving at the end of the year" even saying it out loud was weird. He looked up with an embarrassed expression on his face as he rubbed his arm unconciously. "My dad says i should work at the Ministry but...but i don't know if i want to. And a friend of mine told me that i could always go to university but seriously...i'm not bright! or academic i still have difficulty performing easy spells and i'm not even sure if i want to work in the magical world and and..."
Breathe Daichi just breeeaaathe...and don't cry! "What if i never find a job?! what if i stay jobless for the rest of my life?" okay so keeping calm was out of the question. and he was also forgetting he was saying his worries out loud with another student in the room
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