Wibbly Wobbly | Timey Wimey Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga It was a great day, beautiful day, the sun was so nice to be outside and Minerva was taking it all in. After doing classes, she ran back to her common room and grabbed Fluffy. Fluffy needed some outside time as well. With the little pygmy puff on her shoulder she almost skipped out of the castle. Trying to figure out where to go, she decided on the Willow.
Bouncing towards the tree Minerva smiled seeing a friend sitting there. Being oblivious at the moment to the world around her she plopped down in the grass next to Taylor giving her a huge smile, "Taylor, whatch doin?" It wasn't until that moment when she noticed that Taylor looked upset. "Hey you alright? What's going on?" Did she miss Damon or did her and Brodie have a fight, Min wasn't sure, but she figured maybe it was one or the other. Tay almost jumped out of her skin. Her scream was a bit loud and after she saw who it was, her breathing and fear started to go down. "Oh... hey Mins..." Taylor closed her eyes, trying to stop her heart from pounding so hard that it seemed to threaten to come out of her chest. "Dont sneak up to me again... please..." Her eyes reopened as her heart-rate stabilized again. "Eh, I will be fine..." She looked down for a few moments before looking up at her again. "Stuff happened over the summer... and well... I guess... I miss my cousin a little... I aint used to him not being where I am... I am so use to him being by my side that it seems lonely to me... even when I have a friend or two with me." Taylor glanced up at the willow and sighed, "That must have sounded spoiled or weird..." It seemed to be that Minerva thought her and Damon's relationship was terrible so why wouldnt she have thought that about what she just said? "So enough about life... what do you think of having to pay a knut to get into the common rooms? Or is that just the Ravenclaws who have to do it?"She looked at her friend, "Is Hogwarts really that poor?"
Last edited by Somnium; 05-09-2013 at 04:04 AM.
Reason: typo