Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Oakey sat and listened to The Three Girls Express their opinion on the whole Money-Grubbing Hogwarts Situation. His eyebrows raised when he heard that Gryffindors and Ravenclaws who couldn't pay just slept outside and around the school. He moved his gaze over to the Headmistress who he was sure was not going to like hearing that students were out of their common rooms past curfew.
He had heard that Slytherins, or more specifically Dylan had paid for each of the snakes to get into the common room once already. He himself put out a jar saved up knuts and sickles from over the years for those who couldn't pay on their own. Oakey finally sat up himself and chimed in "I agree that it's not fair." he said bluntly. "and I also think Alice has a point as well, Why not just do another large function like the Library Auction from last year? That was a big success wasn't it?" How did all of that money just vanish? His Grandmother spent half his university savings to win him the vial of liquid luck that rested around his neck still unused.
Now he had some disagreeing to do to. "It really isn't that difficult to clean the Common Rooms." He turned back to Alice. "Just use Scourgify a lot on the dusty surfaces. The Musty smell goes right out if you open the windows as well. If you all have the same issue as ours does I mean." He was going to see Mr.Firth about getting Firewood to the Common Room. So the walk was the only large amount of work he'd have to do to help clean it up.
To him it sounded like the Lions and Eagles needed to pool their money together, and not sleep outside.
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