SPOILER!!: Professor J!
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With the recent cutbacks, Professor James was relieved to have her own office where she could control its state and contents. Aside from her bing cherry shortage - she wasn't going to hinder the poor lone house elf at the school - her office was in the same pristine state as the previous term. Instead of the bowl at the edge of her desk containing her favorite fruit, the bowl was filled to the brim with shiny, round bronze objects: knuts. For... emergencies among the students, naturally. Surely the Headmistress wouldn't mind how the students paid their dues, eh?
While reviewing the term's Quidditch schedule at her desk, her thoughts distant to the various payment centers around the school, two voices - two very familiar, welcome voices - stole her attention away from the parchment before her.
Professor James positively beamed.
"Miss Dixon and Miss Bishop!" Rising from behind the desk, James moved toward the doorway to hug her Hufflepuffs. "Ah, how convenient - my former captain and my new captain - congratulations by the way, Miss Bishop - and you, Nessie, on your Head Girl position." She gave both a motherly embrace before pulling back and putting her hands on her hips, her gaze drifting to the bag in the Head Girl's hand. The sides of her lips quirked upward in a smile, but she continued, addressing both of them with glee and interest, "How was your summer?"
N'awwwww! Professor James looked happy to see them and Ella couldn't help but feel at home as the older woman approached her and Ness and gave them a hug. The James family were good huggers, did they know? Ella had definitely noticed and she'd be telling Max as much when she wrote him next.
"Thanks, Professor! I hope I can do the position justice. I um... have some pretty big shoes to fill." Shuffle. And the sixteen year old smiled at Nessie quickly before looking back up at the flying Professor. Oh and summer?
"My summer was brilliant. I got a chance to work at a zoo, actually. It was really exciting. I hope yours was good too, Professor. Did you get a chance to see Max much?" Because Max questions, yeah, Ells had lots of them.