You have bewitched me body and soul, And I love- I love- I love you Mack walked up the stairs to the dormitories ughh she groaned inwardly as she saw the state of things weren't any better up here, she quickly went to the window across the room and found the lock, like the one Ronnie had found on the window in the common room, unlocking it and pushing it open. She took a deep breath. There that's better! Looking around she saw their trunks were there and sighed at least they wouldn't have to pay for that too, but the bed's weren't made and another film of dust and dirt awaited them here too. Opening her trunk she rummaged until she found the shirt she had been thinking about when she mentioned just using one of them. She also found a pair of scissors and cut the shirt in half one half for Ronnie and one for me. looking around again she made her way back downstairs to start cleaning this mess. |