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A happy snake, Sky was not. While everyone was freaking out over the fact that their trunks weren't where they were supposed to be, she went looking for hers. And ended up in the Entrance Hall where........
________________THERE THEY WERE!!!!!
"Yay!" Although, as West had already demonstrated, summoning hers out of the pile probably wasn't a good idea. And shouldn't someone let the others know?! She shot off her boa constrictor patronus without thinking, then set to digging out her trunk.
Oh good. West obviously couldn't cast a patronus so it was useful that someone had come along that COULD. Was that a boa constrictor? Okay, who even knew Sky was that cool?
He got up and approached the stack cautiously.
"I guess we have to unstack them and start shuttling them downstairs." He mused out loud, looking back over his shoulder at Sky.
... really he just wanted to escape with his trunk and Theo's and leave the rest to it, but he didn't for some reason.
Oh yeah, because he hadn't located Theo's trunk yet. Ahem. West started levitating trunks from the stack as careeeefully as possible this time.
"Wingardium Leviosa!" Well... that got them down, one at a time. But surely Locomotor would be better for shuttling? He tested it on the random trunk he'd just got down, since he didn't want to mess up with his own one, for reasons.
"Locomotor Trunk!"