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Old 05-08-2013, 03:25 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Making her way to the girl's dorms, Zoe just wanted to fall into bed and not think about all that was going on. This hadn't happened last year! What was going on? As soon as she entered the room her face contorted in disgust. Merlin! What in the world was going on in their dorm? Looking around for her trunk and things she spun in a circle "Where...?" The beds were filthy! Now she just wanted to curl up and cry!

They couldn't sleep, with the disgusting beds, the common room completely a mess and disgusting, she had come up here to get some sleep and take her stuff from the dorm and find somewhere else to sleep and yet now? She'd come in to find her trunk not even there!

And what on earth was that smell? It certainly wasn't the smell she'd smelled earlier that made her feel funny! Wrinkling her nose she got closer to one of the beds and nearly gagged. "We need to clean this place..." she muttered.