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Old 05-08-2013, 03:17 AM   #236 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dee-Dee View Post
Harland glided into the room, brushing a bit of dust off his coat. It wasn't often he was covered in dust, but working in the backroom the past few hours had done its job on him. As he looked up, he was reminded of the last time he'd spent an extended amount of time in here - that was when Gina left and Gavin took over. Now another leader was, yet again, leaving them.

Harland's eyes landed on Gavin himself a moment later and he managed a small sort of grim smile. "Gavin," he started with a nod as he closed the distance between them in a few strides and stuck out his hand. It was odd being the first one here, and Harland was rarely this sentimental, but he'd begun to like Gavin the moment he took over and had grown very fond of him since he had. Or as fond as you can be of a boss. He liked to think of them as friends, though. "So you're really going, eh?" he asked, some of his usual charm coming back to hide his slight sadness.
"Harland." he said stepping towards the man as well, taking his hand. "I'm afraid so. It's been quite a ride here in England, but I dare say I'm itching to get back out there in the field and do some travelling again." He'd been saying that for years, but he was finally doing it. At least this time he wouldn't be alone. Though it had been heartbreaking to have to say good bye for now to Kat's youngest siblings. He'd miss them a lot!

"It's going to be weird not being around here any more." he said with a wry look stepping back again. "It's been 10 years."