You have bewitched me body and soul, And I love- I love- I love you Quote:
Originally Posted by Rupert-Grint-Fan Ronnie looked up as Mack approached her. She gave a small wave. "Hey there." she said. She then glanced over at the window when she asked if it could be opened. "Y'know, I've never tried it..." she said, standing to her feet. Might as well try. They needed a bit of fresh air in here...and perhaps some cleaning up to do. Couldn't be that hard, right?
She walked over and examined it and found a lock. She unlocked it and pushed the window open and smiled. "There we go!" she said, turning to Mack. "Say, wanna maybe clean this place up a bit?" she asked as she glanced around. "It couldn't hurt." Besides, someone had to do it. The second year grinned up at her friend, she hadn't even seen that lock. Feeling the slight breeze coming through the window, Mack closed her eyes enjoying the fresh air then heard her friend echoing her early thoughts about cleaning the common room. "I was just thinking the same thing!" she beamed "Yes! Surely it isn't that hard, and I can not live like this all term... " she turned around examining all that needed to be done. "where would we find the cleaning supplies though?" |