You have bewitched me body and soul, And I love- I love- I love you Quote:
Originally Posted by Rupert-Grint-Fan UGH. Ronnie was NOT in a good mood. First, that stupid speech at the feast with all the news about the cuts...then the bloody turnstiles... she didn't wanna know what would happen next.
She sniffed the air and wrinkled her nose at the smell. Yuck! That smelled like... mold or something! Had they even cleaned this place up over the summer?! Was it that hard to do...?
She made her way over to one of the chairs in front of the fire and plopped into it and a cloud of dust burst into the air. Ronnie coughed and angrily wiped at the dust to get it out of her face. She growled. This was so not what she had been looking forward to on the train ride here.
This was going to be a really dumb last year for her... Mack saw Ronnie enter, she looked upset and with good reason, if this is how she would have to start her last term she would be upset also. Looking at the window again, Mack realized maybe Ronnie would know if the window could be opened, taking a deep breath, then coughing, she walked over to where Ronnie had sat down "Hey Ronnie! Ummm do you know if the window can be opened?" She pointed towards the window. Mack then decided she didn't care what anyone else said, she couldn't live this way all year and had to clean this up. She didn't even want to see what the dorms looked like if this was the common room. |