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Hearing the sound of paws padding around the corner, Ivy slipped her wand into her hand just in time to see a cat zip right past her, dangerously close to her new shoes. Then she felt a small body thud right into her, but she managed to grab onto the ugly witch statue to maintain her balance.
The blue and green eyes of Professor Ivy Knox glared down the child on the floor, her hand tightly gripping her wand. "The kneazle?" she repeated. "You mean, this kneazle?!" Ivy angrily flicked her wand forward and levitated the feline she had managed to catch RIGHT in front of the girl's face. It probably wasn't too happy, floating in midair like that.
Betcha haven't seen a flying cat before, have you?
Glaring now. Ah. Cool. She sorta she saw that coming after running right into the woman. What she didn't expect was the tone and the
floating kneazle.
When she first saw her raise her wand she thought either she or Felix might have been in for a hex or three and her eyes squeezed shut but the woman's words had made her open them. She tilted her head and stared curiously at the sight for a moment.
"I don't think he likes that." Lex said, reaching forward to grab him. The kneazle was hissing and aiming his claws at the woman but to no avail. All he managed to do was spin a bit and hiss some more.
Clearly he didn't like it. Couldn't she tell?????
"I'll say I'm sorry I ran into you Professor, he is too." And again she reached for him. It might help if he stopped flailing around so much. She didn't fancy getting scratched for trying to help him. NOPE. Could she have him back now? Before he managed to hurt himself would be nice.