urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse Alec frowned slightly and dug his hands into his pockets as he watched Oakey doing... something with that Cuss Jar of his. This had to be the weirdest way to start the new school term. Definitely. "That's really nice of you, you know," he said, looking directly at the Head Boy with a smile on his face. Just saying. "Erm... and... are people allowed to contribute to that jar?" Although... that question might have been a silly one since LochNessie had added some in herself.
And would it be safe here? ... Dude had a lot of questions.
Oh and hey Lottie, where did you come from?
Unhappy girls... made him uncomfortable. Really. Or just unhappy people. And wasn't this the girl he had talked to briefly at the Start of Term Feast? ... Bay, right? "Hey..." he whispered, bending down until he was sort of crouching in front of the girl, "Erm... I have some sweets with me but... there's a problem. There's a little too much for one boy to have so do you think you could do me a favour and help me finish them off? I promise not to hog all of them," Grin. Hopefully she'd be a candy loving first year otherwise... this would be slightly awkward.
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