ehh... baby post for you all. Hufflepuff Forever Interstellar Hitchhiker Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Ella looked at Kaiden and shrugged. "I'm honestly not sure, Kaiden...I just don't know." But yeah, this was definitely going to make more people angry. As for Laura being right, the blonde shrugged yet again. "I get that but what are we supposed to do? Even if we decide to camp out out here we'll still need supplies." Kaiden frowned. This all sucked. "Yeah..." he said trailing off. "Well, the kitchens have supplies yeah? like food and stuff. And we could... er... I don't know. Didn't someone say they slept in the great hall?" or there was that place they had made a blanked fort last term for Miks birthday. Quote:
Originally Posted by DJ ExpelliarMOOSE Oakey pocketed the two knuts quickly. "Ella don't give anymore of your savings just yet." He then turned to the crowd outside the common room."Guys if you don't have the money to get in, hold on. We need to think of a System. No one is sleeping in the Kitchen yet." There was only one House Elf working the Kitchen now. If they all camped out here, they would only get in the way, and slow him/her down more. He... seemed to have a plan. or well, hopefully he did. "Does this mean you have a plan?" because his plan was to NOT pay to enter the common room. That was dumb. "But there are better places to sleep than the kitchen." that seemed gross. Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 *O____________________o*
Someone say what now?
Was this a dream, had someone just said that she was right.
"Ella Bishop!" Laura shook her friend. "Tell me now if I am dreaming or not!" Laura had never heard someone actually agreeing with her before seriously this was new to her, what was she supposed to do now, jump up and party or what?
Laura just stared at Oakey, surely he should have known that she had no power to create turnstiles, it was like the lockout again when he blamed her for it, but seriously she wasn't that bad honest.
Laura took out a handful of knuts that she had from earlier. "Oakey if you go anywhere near any first year, give them these." Laura handed Oakey them over, she was sure some of the first years wouldn't have any with them. Kaiden got all wide eyed when that girl started flailing and stuff. Seriously, just because she had a good point didn't mean she had to do all that. "I just meant, its dumb to have to pay. Can't we get rid of these things?"
__________________ So many things are possible 
just as long as you don't know they're impossible |