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Old 05-07-2013, 04:32 PM   #235 (permalink)
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♫ ♥ Where are my garters?! / hyphens-are-cool / THE NORTH GATE ♥ ♫

Originally Posted by Silver Ninja View Post
Having walked through the cubicle areas, Gavin headed for the conference room the last few platters of food in his hands that he immediately set down on the tables on the side of the room. The big table in the center had been moved and all the chairs just scattered around the room, so it would be less meetinglike and more casual. It was sad to say that he was finally leaving after so many years in London and at the ministry. But it was time to move on. He and Piper had finally decided to leave and do travelling like they'd talked of for awhile now.

He'd taken and finally sold his home and was now ready to go and find where life would take them.

But first? He needed to say good bye to all those who he'd met and worked with for the last 7 years on level 5.
Harland glided into the room, brushing a bit of dust off his coat. It wasn't often he was covered in dust, but working in the backroom the past few hours had done its job on him. As he looked up, he was reminded of the last time he'd spent an extended amount of time in here - that was when Gina left and Gavin took over. Now another leader was, yet again, leaving them.

Harland's eyes landed on Gavin himself a moment later and he managed a small sort of grim smile. "Gavin," he started with a nod as he closed the distance between them in a few strides and stuck out his hand. It was odd being the first one here, and Harland was rarely this sentimental, but he'd begun to like Gavin the moment he took over and had grown very fond of him since he had. Or as fond as you can be of a boss. He liked to think of them as friends, though. "So you're really going, eh?" he asked, some of his usual charm coming back to hide his slight sadness.
Welcome to the jungle.__________________________________Everything's going to change.
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