Originally Posted by
DJ ExpelliarMOOSE
Oakey was in the lead, he just directed the whole of Badger First Years into the kitchen when he spotted the line forming at the barrels? He looked behind him then pushed forward yelling "Head Boy, let me pass, what's the hold up?" when he spotted the the Turnstiles he froze in place. Was this a joke? Cause if it was, Laura really stepped up her game.
He sour lemon glared at Laura, before turning to Ella who seemed to be speaking to the group as a whole as well. "What is this?" Oakey leaned down and whispered to the Captain. "Also, I could use a knut to get in and out." He was not going to do this all term, and the Kitchen Sink over yonder was looking mighty comfy about now.
Laura was wondering what to do next when suddenly she felt someone glaring at her. "OH YEAH RIGHT!" Laura snapped. "JUST BECAUSE THERE'S A HOLD UP OAKEY YOU BLAME ME!" Laura was really annoyed now, why was it every-time something happened the first thing he did was blame her, seriously she had to power to make turnstiles appear.