Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo With his stomach full of possibly the most unhealthy dinner he'd ever eaten, Jake made his way to the Gryffindor common room. He probably should have checked to see how many first years were actually following him... but the lack of nutrition and sugar rush was doing nothing for his patience. He really just wanted to sleep. Or do a few laps around the Quidditch pitch. But mostly sleep.
As he neared the common room, though, his pace slowed. And his eyes narrowed. What in Merlin's name...
Jake's eyes flew open wide and he went to check the things out. One knut for each time they entered the common room. First the bad food, now...
The realization hit the prefect suddenly: He'd forgotten to bring money with him on the train. All of it was in his trunk, which was conveniently delivered to his dormitory.
He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked around frantically, hoping that a coin magically showed up. But nothing happened, of course.
He was stuck.
Wait. Maybe not. As an idea formed in his head, Jake took a few slow steps back from the turnstiles. He could just... jump over. If he got a running start he could easily make it over the turnstiles. And he could use a knut and make up for it... and never enter the common room again. The library had couches. Or maybe a professor would share their office. There were plenty of options.
__________________  COURAGEOUS | RESILIENT | FIERY everlasting companion |