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Old 05-06-2013, 10:45 PM   #104 (permalink)
Ivana R
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Portuguese Hippogriff Harrys Schokofrösche

Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
SPOILER!!: Bazinga
SPOILER!!: Forrest
Forrest felt nice upon seeing she wanted to talk. That meant she liked talking to him, right?

"We moved to London when I was less than a year old, so I don't know much about Durham." He paused, playing with a napkin...

..."No, I'm a muggleborn." ... "Are you?" Was it rude to ask that to people as if he was asking their race?

Minerva listened as he said about moving to London, “Oh well then you’re from London really. I lived there for a year or so with my cousins before moving back with my grandparents in the States.” That was about all she knew about London though. Mostly Diagon Alley, but other than that not much else.
Giving the boy a smile, “Well Forrest your in for many surprises then if your muggleborn.” She had remembered all too well the surprises of first term. “Well I am actually half blood to be correct, but I consider myself muggleborn, because I never knew I was a witch. My mother was from a pureblood family, but decided to be muggle when she married my dad. They didn’t tell me anything about it until I was 10. So when I came here I knew nothing.” Hoping he would see there was nothing to worry about and she was even proud of the part of her that was muggle.

SPOILER!!: Annabeth
Annabeth was sad and she didn't helped herself. She wasn't hungry. She was just keeping her eyes focused on the empty plate in front of her, pretending not hear everybody greeting each other and talking excitedly. Some of them had badgers on their robes, just as she had since that stupid hat had sorted her to that Hufflepuff house. Stupid hat and stupid badger! She thought and then repented: in fact she had always loved badgers, they were her favorite animals. Without planing or thinking that someone could be observing her, she kissed briefly the Hufflepuff crest magically embroidered on her robe, as if she was apologising for her rudeness. It was when she heard from a boy who was talking to someone else:
Originally Posted by Deniiz
..."No, I'm a muggleborn." ... "Are you?" Was it rude to ask that to people as if he was asking their race?
So... There are more Muggleborns here! Would he have been cast out of his home too? She thought, gazing at him.

Minerva then noticed a girl who didn’t seem to be very happy. Frowning a bit she looked from Forrest to the girl, “Excuse me, but are you alright?” No one should be sad at the feast. This was a happy time, then a thought crossed her mind. Did this girl not want to be a puff? That was tragic if she didn’t, she didn’t see what a great house this was if that was the case.
“Hello, Welcome to Hufflepuff, I’m Minerva, but everyone calls me Min or Minnie. What’s your name?” Putting on her best smile, she hoped that would help cheer the young girl up.

SPOILER!!: Bazinga
Kace smiled to Minnie the girl he met on the train. He could not believe he was in hufflepuff. He wanted to make his family proud. "Thanks." he grinned at her. Then she had someone for him to meet? Oh another friend of Belle's? Wow her sister was not kidding when she mentioned she had lots of friends. He had friends back in the muggle world who he missed right now but he would keep his option open to make new ones.

Kace nodded toward Ethan, "Nice to meet you Ethan." he held out his hand to be a gentlemen. If there was one thing his mother taught him was to ALWAYS have manners. Then Minnie asked if he was excited. "Yeah i am so excited! I can not believe how many people go to school here. I am more anxious to see what the common room looks like. Any tips i should know?" he asked. He wondered if there were trap doors in the common room he should be aware of.

Minerva smiled down at Kace, he was a cute little kid and he did seem excited to be there. That was a great thing! She couldn’t wait to owl Belle, she would write to her tonight and send Midnight in the morning, oh Midnight, Minerva had made sure to buy him some treats. She had missed that school owl and would have to visit first thing.
Laughing a bit a Kace’s nerves and excitement she tried to help him a bit, “Yes there are, but you will feel like you know most of them by the end of second term. It really starts feeling a bit smaller after awhile, well at least by the end of terms. They usually change a few things for us to come back to. So something is always new to explore. Adventures are the best things. Hmmm advice, what advice could she give him, read.. those all jumped in her head first, but she just smiled, “Well work hard at your classes, but don’t forget to have fun and meet people. The people you meet here you will spend a bunch of time with each term, so don’t be afraid to introduce yourself.” She hoped he wasn’t shy at least, she didn’t know what advice to give shy people, because that was one thing she never really was.
Annabeth raised her head and looked at the girl who was talking to her - the girl was chatting with several people at the same time, indeed; and she seemed to be very excited as everybody was. Do you really want to know if I'm alright? She thought, but didn't dare to ask it, Annabeth smiled sadly instead and noticed the girl was smiling back. "So, you're Minnie. Nice to meet you. I'm Annabeth, but you can call me Bee." She tried smiling, but was afraid that her smile could be interpreted as a dog who was showing its fangs. "Um... I'm not quite well today,I'm going to be sick, I guess."
And looking at the food: "Is this what you call food? It seems worse than my Mom's."

Last edited by Ivana R; 05-06-2013 at 10:55 PM.
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