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Ella took a quick look around at her employees and the others joining them. They all seemed to be doing just fine. Manolo seemed to have a moment, but he was up and looked fine now.
"Alright, everyone... Welcome to Newborough Forest. We're just a couple kilometers from the coast, and we'll be able to camp near the beach tonight. But until then, we're going to journey through this forest and see what we can find."
Good? Good. "The first thing you'll want to know is that this forest is filled with animals, magical and non magical alike. To us, some normal creatures may seem mundane if we don't classify them as 'magical', but they are all creatures and they are all interesting and significant, regardless of their classification." As Ella went onto explain, her small Spanish accent grew a little thicker with each minute, as it tended to do when she spoke of things she was passionate about and got excited.
Moving on... Ella started to lead her pack of employees through some low ferns and gestured for them to follow. "I want you all to be as observant as humanly possible. If you think we haven't seen anything yet, you're wrong. Open your eyes." Ella stopped and looked up into the trees, waiting and expecting the others to look up, too.
In the tree tops above, if you paid attention, several families of red squirrels could be seen scurrying and hopping from one branch to another. Birds of several, countless kinds fluttered their wings and flew from tree to tree, and other various animals scuttled about. But the one creature that stood out the most was the dark greenish-black almost vulture-looking bird that was perched on one of the tallest branches of a tree several feet away. Ella locked her eyes on it and waited for the others to notice. The bird was an Augurey, Ella noticed, and beautifully colored."What can anyone tell me about that special bird?" the department head asked, looking back at her hikers. They started to walk, lead by the woman..who seemed to be the boss. She wasn't very familiar with many people in here. Some seemed to know each other. Well, no problem. She began to follow the group until they came to a pause.
She was already starting to feel like a small kid. With all those eying the people, leading them, instructions...blah blah. And now CoMC classes? Why did she really sign up for this? She wasn't exactly one with the animals. Sure, she liked them..but she never really listened to anything during her Hogwarts days.
She looked up at the bird the lead woman was seeing.
Vulture, really? Tell about it? What was one supposed to say about vultures? Magnificent creatures, full of charm and also human-loving.
And it was not a vulture.
Silly you. She knew what that was. Atleast she thought she did. "
Uhm..isn't that..some sort of phoenix?" she asked aloud. Don't expect good answers.
I was never good with them.