SPOILER!!: Mr. Groundskeeper
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Soon after he had taken his seat, his neighbor arrived. Okay, try to be charming. Don't let her intimidate you. He allowed his features to assume a pleasant cast as he replied. "Evening! Indeed I did, Cecelia. Were you.. eh... hopin' I wouldn' return?" Awkward...
Ah, and there was Leo! "Evenin', Leo! Yeh're lookin' right handsome this evenin'!" Despite the thinning hair that he would NEVER mention in front of the man, that is. "Oh yes, they were fine. No one drowned or anythin' like tha', so I'd say it was a success!"
He smiled. "Well not ANYthing, but mos' things, yes," he said with a wink. "Not cheerfulness? Well tha's alright, it still looks very smart on yeh." He nodded and then continued on, acutely aware of the possibility to shoot himself in the foot if he continued commenting on the woman's clothing choices. If there was one thing Ali knew about women, it was that they were easily offended about their wardrobe.
"Ah, Seren! Yeh're lookin' lovely this evenin' as well," he complimented as she passed.
But then Annie took her seat, so he put his full attention on her just in case she deigned to greet him, which she did. He'd learned quickly last year that one does not simply ignore the Headmistress. Not if they wish to live, that is. "Hullo, Annie. Yeh're lookin' sharp this evenin' as usual!" It was true, the woman was an impeccable dresser.
"Broc an' Bonny? They're doin' jus' fine, thank yeh kindly. I dunno if yeh heard, bu' Bonny is gettin' ready ter have her first ever calf!" A great smile broke across his face. "An' I want yeh to know that the cuts aren' affecting them at all. They mos'ly forage anyways, and there's plenty o' greenery in their pen." Hopefully that would ease her conscience. Ali was sure she felt just terrible about the animals' suffering.
Cece sat there and just stared at Firth. Really? He complimented everyone on how well they looked, right down to telling Leo he looks handsome. Everyone except Cece that is. Wow, who would have thought a man would compliment another man over a woman, who was sitting right next to him?
Firth just got stranger and stranger every time she seen him.
"I wouldn't say I was hoping you wouldn't return, more like I was expecting you not to return." It was like that position was cursed or something. In four years there had been three different groundskeepers.
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"Cece, glad to see you hear..." she said and then wondered how often the healer would be around,
"Gemma. I'm glad to be here." Not that she would have trouble finding a job if she had been totally let go instead of being made only part time.
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Erik Vinteren
As soon as he stepped into the Great Hall,
Erik wondered why he had even bothered to dress up for this feast. Or this so-called feast. He already knew the food was going to taste terrible....not that he had had anything to do with that...
He slipped into his seat between the librarian and herbology professor and gave cool nods to both of them. Oh, was that Gemma a set or two away? Interesting.
Oh and there was the new History of Magic professor.
He was no professor. Cece remembered him from the Board of Governor's debates and election. She had studied each candidate before she placed her vote. No where did he ever mention being a previous, or current professor... of anything. How in the name of Merlin did that man get that position? Ivy she could understand. The woman had been a professor before running for the Board, not to mention she had also been a headmistress. But Vinteren?
Made her almost wish Dash was back. At least he was qualified to teach.
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As he felt a slight flutter of panic, he nonetheless noticed the entrance of the new Care of Magical Creatures professor. His demeanor brightened and he caught her eye. "Hullo down there!" he called, waving to her.
Her thoughts were pulled away from the man seated a few seats from her when the one to her right started yelling.
"Really Alistaire, yelling down the table like a love sick teenager." Yeah, she noticed how he seemed to perk up when the new CoMC professor walked in.