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"Why thank you," Anastasia glanced down at her top and adjusted the ruffled sleeves slightly. Good, the groundskeeper was learning to compliment her every time he saw her. That kept him on her good side, see.
Her brows raised slightly at the news of ANOTHER cow joining the crew. Oh for the love of Merlin....the redhead's mouth turned down into a definite frown. "I hadn't heard," she murmured darkly. Well well. At least it seemed the cows weren't eating away the school's money as well as all their grass. She didn't say anything on the subject, though, because she wasn't sure she had anything else nice to say at all.
Good. She was pleased with the compliment. He had made a mental note back a year ago in his first Welcoming Feast. Yes, he had vowed to compliment Anastasia Truebridge as often as humanly possible.
But then the smile quickly got replaced with a disapproving frown. The tone of voice she used in her next statement could have frozen a pound of doxy eggs instantly.
Think fast, Firth! "
Oh well, yeh know.. I was thinkin'... If we're still havin' troubles, I may be able ter sell the offspring. Tha' would certainly cover any cost ter the school tha' the cattle bring." He finished hesitantly, not sure how the woman would react. Would that wound her pride? Give her relief? Make her angry?
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She kept moving down the table, "Medea, you look lovely as usual..", "Headmistress, lovely to see you.", "Alistaire, nice to see you back for another term.", "Cece, glad to see you hear..." she said and then wondered how often the healer would be around, "Bentley, great to see another veteran here again..." she said with a little wink....
Ah, there was Gemma to save the day from that potentially dangerous moment. "
Gemma! Nice ter see yeh back yerself!" Why did so many people sound so surprised to see him again? Did Truebridge consider sacking him? He DID NOT put those cattle in her office!!!
Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
She gave a sweeping glance down the table as she situated her robes. Oh, ...look at that. Alistaire Firth. Peyton remembered him alright. Of course the Headmistress had power-played her way to the seat next to HIM.
As he felt a slight flutter of panic, he nonetheless noticed the entrance of the new Care of Magical Creatures professor. His demeanor brightened and he caught her eye. "
Hullo down there!" he called, waving to her.