Peyton stepped up to the area where the staff table was located and then did a discreet search for a seat. Oh.
Perfect. The only empty seat seemed to be between everybody and his brother and sister. Well, not really. She only had to edge past three people, but in heels and a long robe, that seemed like quite the hike.
Fourth seat down--that must be her. Yep, ...beside the guy all decked out in a suit. He must be going out to dinner afterwards, she decided.
"Excuse me, Excuse me, Excu--..." MOVE, she wanted to say. Okay, so she'd gotten impatient by the time she reached the man going out to dinner after the feast. She took her seat then looked back at the others with a small smile.
"Thank you," she said.
"I'm Peyton Barlow. Magical Creatures."
She gave a sweeping glance down the table as she situated her robes. Oh, ...look at that.
Alistaire Firth. Peyton remembered him alright. Of course the Headmistress had power-played her way to the seat next to HIM.