Gemma clicked into the Great Hall with a little many terms had she done this exact same thing...they were all starting to run together...was she burnt out? no surely not...she pushed that thought to the back of her head and put her usual smile on her face and kept walking.
She beamed extra bright as she walked past her lovely Ravvies. She could tell there was a little bit of questioning on their faces and instantly realized it must be from the cutlery sitting in front of them. When she realized that she scanned the Great Hall and noticed that it was dreadful with all the dirt and cobwebs and like....she knew there were cuts but this was awful.
Getting closer to the table, she turned to the left to start at the opposite end of the table from her seat. She always liked to say hello to those professors that were seated and to introduce herself to the newbies.
Starting on one end, she slowly made her way towards her seat that seemed to be so far away from this vantage point. The first two seats were still vacant, but the third held the Astronomy professor whom seemed to have an extra wide smile and twinkle in his eye...hmmm...had she missed something..."
Airey, it's great to see you are back again...and from the way it looks up to your old antics..." she finished as she heard someone picking on Medea.
She went further down the table saying her hellos as she went, "
Sophia, great to see you..." she said and instantly noticed the woman with her hands on her hips...was she mad that Sophia was in the Charms seat....did it really it didn't...they were just chairs... she smiled at the woman and held out her hand, "
Gemma Cerulean, Muggle're more than welcome to come sit on the opposite end of the table near my seat...they are after all just seats..." she said sweetly trying to keep the peace and motioning towards the last seat near her regular chair.
She kept moving down the table, "
Medea, you look lovely as usual..", "
Headmistress, lovely to see you.", "
Alistaire, nice to see you back for another term.", "
Cece, glad to see you hear..." she said and then wondered how often the healer would be around, "
Bentley, great to see another veteran here again..." she said with a little wink....
She glanced at the empty chair at the History of Magic seat and her face turned a little shade of pink. She had to admit that she was a little disappointed that the man wasn't there, but then her attention was drawn to her usual neighbor and she beamed, "
Leo, it always starts my year off brilliantly getting to sit by you at the Opening Feast..." she said with a little wink as she continued to the end of the table to make the turn.
As she turned the table, she smiled at the Potions professor, "
Lafay, you look lovely as usual." she said sweetly and sincerely...the woman was beautiful....even if she was a little
scary intimidating.
She took her seat and coughed a little bit from the dust that rose from her plopping down...she wiped off her skirt from the dust and turned her body towards Leo slightly, "
So, tell me what shenanigans you got into this summer." she said as she unwrapped her silverware and slowly unfolded her napkin into her lap. She reached out and picked up her solo cup and squeezed it so it made that plasticy sound....and it took every bone in her body not to laugh at the item...first class it was not.