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Old 05-05-2013, 10:08 PM   #112 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Andrew James Preston
Seventh Year

Melly Bean | aussiegirl | a Supernatural freak

Originally Posted by Syd View Post
He was also curious as to why a small boy with a very loud voice was yelling at their table.

Jake leaned back slightly to get a good look at the boy, then laughed a little. He'd seen this boy's sorting. He was a first year and brand new lion. Waving a bit to get the boy's attention, Jake spoke up in the best friendly tone he could. "Welcome to Gryffindor." He almost said something about liking to eat in peace, but since there was no food on the tables yet, he supposed that might be a little rude. Plus, the boy was probably just excited and stuff.
Welcome to Gryffindor. That sounded so cool in his head. It sounded even better when it was coming from a...Prefect. Michael noticed the shiny badge the moment he had turned his attention to the boy who was now speaking to him.

"Thank you." He said, that grin still in place. "It seems like a cool house." Should he introduce himself? Was he worthy enough to tell the Prefect his name? Pfft of course he was. "My name's Michael." So...yeah.

Originally Posted by Princesspower View Post
"Well thats okay, yet having ancestors on your father's side who were French will explain the surname." she said. About herself, Sarah did know some things, being very interested in geneology, history and all. "Well on my father's side, they are a wizarding family that have been in England for a few centuries. Yet my mother is muggle born so it is more interesting, my mother was born in South Africa, her ancestors came there from eastern Europe in the early 1900's, yet I think they lived about 1000 years ago along the Rhine river, so they must have lived in France and Germany at some point, yet that was around the time of the fall of the Roman Empire. Formally we are unable to trace past the 1700's my family tree so all that took place before that is assumed." Sarah had read some history books over the holiday and done some surfing as well. "so where are you from on your mother's side?" she asked

Michael couldn't help but stare at Sarah, his mouth hanging open just a little. The way she just rattled off her family's history like that. He was really going to have to pay more attention when his parents spoke of where their family came from.

Actually now that he thought about it, his mother didn't really talk about hers. He would have to remember to ask her. And of course Sarah had to ask him about his mother' side. He raised his shoulders in a slow shrug. "Uhm...well my mum was born in England but her mother's background is Italian and my grandfather is English. He's also a muggle. He's a race car mechanic." Nod. "He and my mum let me help fix cars with them."
Now if she wanted to talk about cars then he knew all about them.

Originally Posted by dansgurl View Post
Amara looked defiant. How dare he? Proud, egoistic.. She was beginning to wonder where this conversation would go. She lowered her head, and looked at the funny plates with discrete scrutiny, in an urge to resist slapping him. She was already not very found of Gryffindor. She didn't want any drama there. How fine it would be. The anti-lion girl slapping one of the pride? Wonderful. I might as well get a month's detention. And she definitely didn't want to spend her first month there doing detentions at the dungeons or grounds or whatever.

Spoiled brat was I? She turned back to him. The boy was giving her a strange look. What was he thinking? Establishing the spoiled brat story.

"I'm-not-a-spoiled-brat" she said, pausing each word. The message had to sink in. She had some opinions and views, that didn't make her a spoiled brat did it? And she hadn't even bargained for this talk. She turned to look at another pleasant direction

She wasn't usually brooding over things. And hey! This wasn't even...and she turned back to face the boy. "I really acted like a spoiled brat?" she asked, piqued. She didn't like spoiled brats and was definitely not planning to be one. Her expressions changed from anger to confusion to regret to miserable faster than the muggle traffic signals.

"I..uhm.." she broke mid-way, cleared her throat. "Didn't mean to..not really.." Why was she feeling bad right now? It was her thing, feeling bad. "I'm fine with all the houses..." Yes, she was. "And no expectations.. My dad is really fine with anything" Yes, he was. "It...Okay. I always wanted to be Slytherin.." Savvy? "Childhood fancy?" she said, hoping that would clear everything.

She was beginning to wonder what she felt now. She really did want to strangle the guy the moment he talked, but now she wasn't willing to do that. Erm, awkward. "Sorry..I mean.. you really like this house" Asked the hat to place you and all. She was being sorry, again not her thing. She really didn't know how she felt about the evening.

The boy shook her hand gently enough. She was thinking he might try and crush her fingers. She gave him a small smile. "Hi Michael.." she said, withdrawing her hand slowly. "Uhm..." What now? So what was this, some kind of friendship? She didn't know. Only it was really messed up, with all those heated moments.
There were a couple of times when Michael wanted to interrupt the girl because in his opinion she was acting like a spoiled brat, but he let keep talking. It seemed as though the more she talked and actually thought about what he had said the more unsure she became.

And then he felt kinda bad for saying that to her, which was not like him. Michael had an opinion about everything and he was not afraid to voice those opinions no matter if the person liked them or not. But seeing the look on her face...well...he felt...bad. "Well okay maybe that was a bit harsh. But you are kinda being ungrateful. So the hat put you in Gryffindor, so what? It obviously had its reasons. Personally I think you'll make a GREAT Gryffindor." She had that hot head, stubborn streak about her.

He supposed that he could understand why she would be disappointed about not getting what she really wanted. "I know it sucks to not get what you want. You're just going to have to turn the situation around to your advantage." Did that make sense? Probably not. He smiled though at her question and nodded his head. "Yeah. I really like this house."

Now that introductions were made, there appeared this awkward pause but he was never one to be at a loss for words. "SO what classes are you looking forward to?"

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post

Next year? Lex shook her head at that. "We have a feast at the end of the year too and depending on what happens during the term they can be pretty long too. first year two Professors got eaten, so did Mr. Shiny Ground's Keeper's wombat. The Headmistress had a lot to say then but last term, with a good amount of luck, no one got done in and I guess I'm willing to say it didn't last as long. Either way, you spend a lot more time wishing for food than actually eating at these feast." They kind of made up for it though...the food was amazing and they even had ice-cream last term!! She threw just as much of it as she ate. Best ice-cream fight eveeeer.

She shrugged a bit. "No problem. Most times Gryffindors are down in the kitchens anyway so chances are I'd be headed down there on any random day." It was something she'd noticed. Most, if not all the Gryffindors she knew, including herself, were power eaters. They ate the most of any people she'd ever met! It was kinda impressive. Heh.

Oooooo, 'giving advice to Firsties' time! she'd been preparing for this. Like legit, yup. "Well I'd probably close attention in DADA, you'll need most of the stuff you learn in that class." FACT. Lex was grateful for every jinx, hex and curse she'd learned since coming here. "If you want to eat the sorting hat, gravy won't help, try something else. The whomping willow--this super cool killer tree that you have to meet--can be your best friend or that annoying kid that hits you even when you haven't done anything to him. Socks will disappear by end of term, invest in learning the accio charm." Nodnodnod. "If you see a kneazle walking around, he's looking for a snack, hide anything he might find edible." Felix needed a warning label. She wasn't in the mood to comfort anyone just because her lovely ate someone's pet. Now let's see...what else...?
Oh. Oh yeah. He had forgotten about the end of term feast. He was just trying to get through this one. So apparently he would need to have back up food for the end of term feast as well. "Right. So it's best to make sure that I am stocked up." He could do that. Not that he really needed to. He was a bit like his dad in the fact that he could go for long periods of time without food but there were occasions where she would burn so much energy that he would find himself hungry. Like today. With all the excitement in coming to Hogwarts. The news about people going missing or dying didn't phase Michael at all. His mother told that when she had been at school that three of her housemates had died. Apparently things liked that happened here. Hopefully not to him.

As Alexa spoke of all the things he needed to look out for while at Hogwarts, Michael listened carefully and nodded his head every one in while as she spoke. he already knew about the Whomping Willow and he and Z had plans for that. The bit about DADA interested him and he perked up a little. "What is the DADA Professor like? And is Professor Lafay really as bad as they say?"

Originally Posted by Natasha-Black View Post
Natasha smiled and waved back. “I'm alright. Glad we are in the same house!” She said happily.
"Me too." He called back. Where was Zahra? He wanted her to meet Natasha. They were all going to be tree climbing buddies. "We'll have to organise to meet out on the grounds the first chance we get." Plans needed to be made.

Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
Oh, this one seemed excited. Or enthusiastic. Both? Maybe both. Or he was just friendly and liked to be loud and say hi to everyone without specifically going up to everyone. Either way, it was cool.

So she grinned and said, "Welcome to Gryffindor, kid."
Annnnnnnnd now there was another person welcoming to the house. Michael was feeling pretty awesome right about now. "Thanks." Yep he was so cool.

Last edited by Mell; 05-06-2013 at 07:09 AM. Reason: Oops mistook Penelope for a Prefect, lol
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