Everyone........ Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! Leobald headed into the Great Hall for yet another opening feast. The black mop-haired man was troubled as he passed by the student table's on his way to the dais, not stopping to return any greetings or waves.
With an inaudible sigh Leo headed up by the left side of table passing by Sophia in her bright, eye-catching red dress and an unfamiliar brunette (Ivy) staring at his friend. "Good evening Sophia. You look beautiful as always." he greeted softly. Turning to the brunette he said as he extended a hand. "Good evening, I don't believe we've met. Leobald Kitridge, librarian." Ransacking his memory he knew it was something he should remember about Sophia's job title. At the moment it eluded him. Leo almost missed Medea sitting in her usual seat because of the staring brunette. "Evening again Medea." he greeted a brow raising at her. "Is everything all right?" She looked confused but for what reason Leo had no idea.
Passing by Airey's seat he greeted the Astronomy Professor with a short but polite. "Good evening Airey." He then proceeded up to the seat where Alistaire was seating. With more warmth and a smile Leo said "Good evening Ali. Did all the first years get over the lake okay?" Turning to the blond sitting on Ali's right Leo said "Good evening Cece. Did you have a good summer?"
Proceeding up to his usual seat he claimed it, noting the plastic silwerware and cups on the table. Glancing to the right over at Hecate greeted her softly. "Good evening Hecate. Did you have a good summer?"
Last edited by Nordic Witch; 05-05-2013 at 09:49 AM.