SPOILER!!: Michael~
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For a moment he thought that no one was going to greet him back, but then he heard a voice that was just as loud as he was. Michael turned his gaze to the girl who had spoken to him and he GRINNED back at her.
"I am stoked to be a Gryffindor." He totally, TOTALLY was, even though the hat had said otherwise but now that he was here, he couldn't imagine being anywhere else. "Thanks." For the welcome.
His gaze flicked over the table and he spotted a couple of people he had met in Diagon Alley. He inclined his head at Aphrodite to acknowledge her before looking back at the girl who was now introducing herself. "Nice to meet you Alexa. My name is Michael Toussaint."
He would have shaken her hand but she was sitting opposite him and he didn't want to sprawl himself across the table to reach her. Maybe after he'd had some sugar. Speaking of food..."Hey you wouldn't happen to have a chocolate frog or cauldron cake on you? I don't know how long before the food is due to come out and I am starving."
Pretty pleeeeeeeeeeeease.
Loud. Grinning. Stoked to be a Gryffindor. Where had he been last term when everyone who walked to the table looked like they had been sentenced to life imprisonment at Azkaban????? If she had seen just one more scowl brought on by a lack of house pride she would have gone mad, in fact she very nearly almost did. Good thing she was one to keep her composure
...sort of.
Ah and his name was Michael. She nodded at that but she wasn't going to tell him it was nice meeting him too just yet because she wasn't sure if it really was nice--Who was she kidding? He grinned! He was loud!
"It's nice to meet you too!!" And there you had it. The first time Alexa Cambridge ever told someone it was nice to meet them without having gone through an entire conversation and subsequent assessment. His entrance was enough to make her think that it was nice to meet him.
Er...but then he was asking hard questions...
Of course she had a chocolate frog. She
always had chocolate frogs, cauldron cakes too...but...well...she didn't know him that well and sharing wasn't something she did. Not with candy anyway. Oh but he was a firstie
and she needed those for her army.
Decisions, decisions.
"Wouldn't you rather some cookies or cupcakes? I snuck down into the kitchen and grabbed some before coming here. You can have some." Yeah. She liked you kid, but chocolate frogs...just no. Not yet.