Sophia and anybody ^^ Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia Then came Ivy Knox in her black dress and red high heels, clicking on the hard floor as she made her way to the staff table. It appeared that a few of the professors were just as childish as the students... Lovely. Ivy chose to ignore them.
Stepping up to the staff table, Ivy counted down the seats to find hers. One, two, three, four - ... She stopped when she saw a woman in her chair. The old charms professor, who was supposed to be at the END of the table (she had done her research). Well, this was Ivy's chair and simply would not do.
Ivy placed a hand on her hip, stared at the woman in her seat, and patiently cleared her throat. She would not be patient long, though. |