Melly Bean | aussiegirl | a Supernatural freak The boat ride had been rather fun. He had spent the entire trip with his head over the side trying his hardest to see what lay beneath the water. He had heard about the giant squid from his parents and of course Z went on about it all the time. Michael was sure that it would make a good wrestling opponent. But to his disappointment the squid didn't make an appearance, although he could have sworn that he saw a silvery flash from a mermaid's tail. Well that's what he was going to tell everyone anyway.
So now he stood in the Great Hall after disembarking from the boat and making their way into the castle. Michael stood and watched as other first years got sorted and he shifted from foot to foot in anticipation. He couldn't wait to get up there so that he could put the hat on, but another part of him was kinda dreading it too. What if he and Zahra's carefully laid plans backfired and they didn't get what they wanted? "Michael Toussaint." Well there was obviously not much time to think about it now. Michael took a deep breath, patted both his pockets to make sure that Pig and Perseus were still in place and made his way up to the front of the dais, and as he took his seat he hoped that Z did not back out on their deal.
The hat was placed upon his head and Michael waited with bated breath for what was to come.
Nothing was happening. He just sat there while the hat uhmmed and ahhed for a moment before going silent altogether. Michael was starting to panic a little. Why was the hat taking so long? He KNEW he belonged here. So why...? "While there are a couple of houses that would be good for you. I think that in the long run that you would do better in....SLYTHERIN." See, he had a feeling that might be the case. Michael didn't jump off the stool the moment the hat announced the house he should go into. He didn't go running off to his supposedly new house table. No he just sat there for a moment taking a few deep breaths before speaking to the hat. "Excuse me Mr Hat." He said in a low voice. "But I would rather go into the house of Gryffindor, if that's okay with you?" He felt the need to explain the pact that he and Zahra had made and why he would make a good lion and yadda, yadda, yadda, but instead he just sat there waiting patiently to hear what the hat had to say to that. "GRYFFINDOR it is then." Now Michael pulled the hat off his head and jumped up from the stool. He'd done it. He was in Gryffindor. He had to go and find Zahra. |