Text Cut: MO YO
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Ravenclaws seemed to be trickling rather slowly into the Great Hall, and Mo was able to find a seat quickly. It was better than having to squeeze in next to someone later, he figured, and he was able to take up a bit of space for the time being. He put up his feet on the bench and casually stacked all the plastic cups on his side of the table into a giant tower.
NBD, just being awesome.
There was Ethan, with a prefect badge. That was cool... Ethan was practically a mate, considering they played Quidditch together. And there was precious Aquila, who still managed to look like she'd never seen even TABLES before.
And then some unknown folks. Mo nodded to the boy at his unsanitary comment. "I think they're safe, actually. You just rubbish bin them once you're done. Sort of wasteful, plus we have loads of nice cutlery and stuff here. But maybe it's supposed to feel like a picnic? In the spirit of things, what?"
And a girl he didn't recognize either, although she looked less aggrieved by the plates and things. Mo gave her a nod as well before leaning in and whispering, "You're a bit tall for a first year. Plus... don't I know you from somewhere? Did you go to Beauxbatons before transferring? I'm Marcus Orion Branxton, by the way."
Could he attest to this? Was he SURE? Nope. Couldn't be.
Garrick pushed them even further away and said, "
I don't use things like this on picnics... and how do we KNOW they're clean? I am not using this rubbish." And then his cheeks flared red once again. He was being a brat about this, he knew it... but come on... Didn't the students of Hogwarts DESERVE proper eating utensils?
Or had they used WAY too much money on all that Board of Governor's nonsense... HMMMMM. Not impressed.
Text Cut: Uh. No.
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Hungry and exhausted but all the same excited for the new term, Beatrice Castell stepped into the Great Hall with an enigmatic smile across her lips. Her dark brown eyes scanned the other house table's first before finally settling into the Ravenclaw table. Then she ambled towards it...
"Evening, Garrick." She said, upon reaching the boy as she gave him a tiny pat on the shoulder. Hair ruffling was for her Quidditch boys. Of course, it meant that Mo got one. "Hey, Marcus." Ruffle. Ruffle. There were things she wanted to ask him but that can be saved for later. She still had stuff to take care of. One of that was greet and welcome her Ravenclaws, old and new.
Moving along.... "Hi, Aquila." Beezus sent a wave in her direction. And then there was a new face....who didn't seem too happy with what was going on. Wait...what was going on exactly? Leaning over on the table, that's when she noticed the plastics......plates and cups and...WHERE WAS THE SILVERWARE?! Blinking, she snatched a plastic cup, examined it with utter refusal and mumbled out towards the new girl (giant_squid_fan) "What is this?"
Really, she wanted an explanation.
Descending into a seat next to her co-Prefect, her frown deepened and then she nudged him. "Ethaaan...what....why...plastics....why do we have plastics?" What was the Headmistress up to this time?
BUT HEY. A firstie! (GoblinFrog) Trashing out the plastic matter for a while, Beezus beamed at the young girl. "Hello! Welcome to Ravenclaw!" Please ignore the plastic utensils. And the broken banner..... *BLINK* ...."What happened to our banner!?" Why did everything seem so....poorly?
Dear Merlin...she needed some ice cream.
His attention was drawn to the PAT ON HIS SHOULDER. Uh no. Garrick pulled a face and moved out of her reach swiftly. "
What the one word greeting REALLY meant was do not pat me like a child. HMPH.
Text Cut: Aquila
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Cannot be washed?....
Her brown eyes grew large. She has never seen dinnerware that cannot be washed before. Even their wooden plates and spoons had to be washed (even more so). She brought her face close to the paper plate then eyed the bottom of the cup. And then sniffed. “They don’t smell bad.” She mumbled, eying the strange (aren’t they all?) boy who had spoken earlier “Do you suppose they want us to transfigure them back to what they were? Like a biiiig test?” this was a school after all wasn’t it?
Oh! More Ravenclaws joining them. Ravenclaw guys who Aquila was still getting used to. But hey she wasn’t one to retreat behind her journal anymore, or behind other girls for protection. She was just talking to a STRANGE BOY see? Progress.
She eyed this boy with the shiny badge. “Ooohh you’re wearing that” she said, remembering it on another boy the term before, Spike, he of the lovely curls. “Did Spike give that to you?”
Then Mo sauntered in and she gave a jubilant grin “Mo thank you for saving me from the WALL.” she beamed, before subconsciously touching her nose. She had the strangest feeling it hit something really solid and she was only there because somehow Mo’s aura protected her and got her through. Don’t nobody tell her she might have to go back the same way when term’s over.
Oh and all stop. Did Mo just state his full name? “Your name is Orion?? Like the constellation??”
Constellations. She knows ‘em yup. And now the Welsh blond sees two other students she doesn’t remember having met before “Hi...” she greeted them smiling. Even when they are strangers, she was far more comfortable with them on first time greetings, based on the simplest fact that they were girls “I am Aquila. Whats your name?”
Oh! And then theres Beezus-- the first girl she met with the shiny badge who still had the shiny badge. Less confussion is good for this blond one yup “Hello Beezus!” she greeted back happily “Hello there Nigel.” she added to the next Claw guy that came after her. Her eyes went back down on the cups and plates—the older students doesn’t seem to be very happy with this “Is it not tradition in Hogwarts to change dinnerware every term?” she was starting to think it was.
Uhhhh. This one was a bit odd, no? Garrick smiled at her brightly and gave a chuckle. "
I wouldn't go sniffing everything that could be unsanitary..." You know. Just saying.
Maybe... but the first years couldn't do it, so I think that's not the case." Logic. He had it.
Text Cut: Mika
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She raced into the great hall as per usual and found a seat next to Mo. That was when she noticed it. Red plastic cups – those muggle party cups? She had seen them in some college-age movies her sister watched way too much of. Stupid lame movies with names that were redundant, like College.
Her eyebrows knitted together as she spotted the solo cups, Dixie plates, and plastic silverware. What had happened to the plates that they normally used? She thought as she tipped her head in confusion. She had no idea at all what was going on or why they had the lame cups.
Lame. That was what they were.
She just frowned at the cup, leaned forward and blew lightly. The cup tipped on its side and rolled slightly. Yep. How were they going to pour the juice? What did they have plastic galleon general pitchers?
Turning to the people closest to her. “So…plastic cups?” She asked her eyebrow rising as she looked toward them.
Of course she had to say hello to her friends and housemates. It was important. Very important. ”Hey Macabre!” she waved to Mo, which was rather silly because he was y’know, right next to her. She noticed a girl looking at the cups like she had never seen them before. She looked so, so innocent. Who was she? Mika knew she had met her it was just she didn’t remember her name really. “kill…Aw?...Ah? AhKilla?” she muttered unknowingly loud enough for the girl to hear her.
She then glanced up at the other guy…he was cool. She remembered that from last term. Yeah last term and the term before that. ”Hey Garrick…” she smiled over to him. And then she just looked around for more people to say hello to. BEEZUS.
”HEY Beezus how was summer?” she asked the prefect smiling over to her.
Well Mika was alright. Garrick beamed at her and nodded in her direction. "
Hullo, Mika. Good to see ya." It was. Good to see her, that is. She was a nice lass.
AND BAM There was Ethan. HEHE.
Nodding enthusiastically Garrick said, "
I did! And I got my cousin some too. Did you get them? I think we could have a good time with them, mate!" Like... climbing walls in the common room could be SUPER AWESOME. Yep. They needed to make plans for things and stuff. HEH.
And then he abandoned conversation for a moment to scan the room... She was there with that dreadful Gryffindor. Well... he supposed he would keep his distance. Possibly for good. HMPH.