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"Thank you" answered Raven to the nice boy who looked a little bit older than her. She did what he said about the spoon and cup and then turned to look at him. "What year are you in? I'm Raven, by the way."
"Nice to meet you, Raven," Mo gave the girl a grin before turning his attention to her launching a spoon toward the Head Table. Good form and distance... but he could beat her. "I'm a fourth year. I think you're going to really like being a Ravenclaw. We're amazing at manufacturing our own entertainment."
Like a catapult.
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"Evening, Garrick." She said, upon reaching the boy as she gave him a tiny pat on the shoulder. Hair ruffling was for her Quidditch boys. Of course, it meant that Mo got one. "Hey, Marcus." Ruffle. Ruffle. There were things she wanted to ask him but that can be saved for later. She still had stuff to take care of. One of that was greet and welcome her Ravenclaws, old and new.
Mo grinned at Beezus when she made an appearance, although she earned herself a frown for 1) ruffling his well-coifed hair 2) calling him Marcus and 3) continuing on without stopping to chat when he was clearly her favorite person of all time. OF ALL TIME.
He carefully rearranged his hair back into its characteristic swoop. "Beatrice. Hey back." Scowl.
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Nigel was in a descent mood as he went to sit down at the ravenclaw table. He was pretty hungry and wanted something sweet to eat. He looks around to see who was already at the table and sees some new faces and some he already knew. Nigel start by saying "Hi" to the new first years as he walked over to the people he knew. "Hey Marcus" Nigel said passing by to see what so up with the plastic.
"Hey... Nigel," Mo nodded at his roommate and only just somehow managed not to flail around in his seat. WHY WAS HE BEING CALLED MARCUS?
Was this one of those grown up things he should have figured out on his own but had somehow missed in the last year? Maybe he was supposed to go by Marcus now? He'd ask Alice about it later, since she was older and completely trustworthy.
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Then Mo sauntered in and she gave a jubilant grin “Mo thank you for saving me from the WALL.” she beamed, before subconsciously touching her nose. She had the strangest feeling it hit something really solid and she was only there because somehow Mo’s aura protected her and got her through. Don’t nobody tell her she might have to go back the same way when term’s over.
Oh and all stop. Did Mo just state his full name? “Your name is Orion?? Like the constellation??”
Constellations. She knows ‘em yup.
Mo appreciated the hero worship, and he gestured for Aquila to come and join him. "C'mere, Key. You'll like this. I made a pyramid of the Solo cups... if you collect some more, then we can probably make it about 6 feet tall. Plus, I made this silverware catapult for storming the Head Table. You want to try to shoot a fork? See if you can beat Raven... that spoon up there is hers."
He offered a fork to the younger girl. Oh, his middle name. Well then. Now they were discussing ALL HIS NAMES. "Orion is my middle name. Like the constellation. I have a fabulous belt."
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She raced into the great hall as per usual and found a seat next to Mo. That was when she noticed it. Red plastic cups – those muggle party cups? She had seen them in some college-age movies her sister watched way too much of. Stupid lame movies with names that were redundant, like College.
She just frowned at the cup, leaned forward and blew lightly. The cup tipped on its side and rolled slightly. Yep. How were they going to pour the juice? What did they have plastic galleon general pitchers?
Turning to the people closest to her. “So…plastic cups?” She asked her eyebrow rising as she looked toward them.
Of course she had to say hello to her friends and housemates. It was important. Very important. ”Hey Macabre!” she waved to Mo, which was rather silly because he was y’know, right next to her. She noticed a girl looking at the cups like she had never seen them before. She looked so, so innocent. Who was she? Mika knew she had met her it was just she didn’t remember her name really. “kill…Aw?...Ah? AhKilla?” she muttered unknowingly loud enough for the girl to hear her.
"Creepy!" Mo put an arm around Mika and sort of snugged her against him in an awkward 'oh, this feels different than usual' hug. It lasted a moment before he let her go. Probably because he had grown so much over the summer, although Mika had apparently grown too?
"Plastic cups. I'm Pharaoh of the Great Hall, and this is my mighty pyramid." He gestured to the Great Solo Pyramid he'd begun building on the table. He needed a hat. All Pharaohs had hats. Big ones. "Also made a catapult. If you can hit one of the professors with a spoon, I'll... well. You'll win. You can pick your prize. Gold. Treasure. Adventure beyond compare."