Everyone, I think. ;) ❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Hungry and exhausted but all the same excited for the new term, Beatrice Castell stepped into the Great Hall with an enigmatic smile across her lips. Her dark brown eyes scanned the other house table's first before finally settling into the Ravenclaw table. Then she ambled towards it...
"Evening, Garrick." She said, upon reaching the boy as she gave him a tiny pat on the shoulder. Hair ruffling was for her Quidditch boys. Of course, it meant that Mo got one. "Hey, Marcus." Ruffle. Ruffle. There were things she wanted to ask him but that can be saved for later. She still had stuff to take care of. One of that was greet and welcome her Ravenclaws, old and new.
Moving along.... "Hi, Aquila." Beezus sent a wave in her direction. And then there was a new face....who didn't seem too happy with what was going on. Wait...what was going on exactly? Leaning over on the table, that's when she noticed the plastics......plates and cups and...WHERE WAS THE SILVERWARE?! Blinking, she snatched a plastic cup, examined it with utter refusal and mumbled out towards the new girl (giant_squid_fan) "What is this?"
Really, she wanted an explanation.
Descending into a seat next to her co-Prefect, her frown deepened and then she nudged him. "Ethaaan...what....why...plastics....why do we have plastics?" What was the Headmistress up to this time?
BUT HEY. A firstie! (GoblinFrog) Trashing out the plastic matter for a while, Beezus beamed at the young girl. "Hello! Welcome to Ravenclaw!" Please ignore the plastic utensils. And the broken banner..... *BLINK* ...."What happened to our banner!?" Why did everything seem so....poorly?
Dear Merlin...she needed some ice cream.
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