Bre Bear | Asherine | Whisper | Kemmy | Raeney | Madyra | Bumble Bee Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom The Hufflepuff table was...well, a lot more HOPPIN than Tucker had remembered. There were hardly any seats! Everyone was gathered together and seemed to already have really tight-knit groups, and for the first time, he was starting to feel really nervous.
BUT OH! He knew someone there! That girl he met in the candy store--what was her name again? He was terrible with names. Wow, he was off to a great start here--ALLIE! No, wait, ALEX yes that was the name. "Hi Alex!" he said with a grin as he approached the table. "Lost? Your table is over THERE," he joked, pointing to the Gryffindor table before sitting down next to her.
There, ice BROKEN. "Hi everyone! I'm Tucker, Tucker Schultz," he said with a smile. Heeey loookie here another person. Nashville beams with joy, this was great, the person looked maybe a couple of years younger than him but that didn't mean anything to Nash. This person seemed friendly, well he did say hello to everyone so how bad could he be. " 'Ello, Tucker, I'm Nashville Cash."
Where was the foooood...? Grr...merp.
__________________ maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive  maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise |