SPOILER!!: *flails* YES! It's always his fault XD
Originally Posted by
Merlin, could she possibly BE any happier? It was the contagious kind, though, and Lottie was also smiling, while glancing back and forth between the Ravenclaw table and her own. And also keeping an eye out for Mags, because the thing was acting pretty strange, like her.
After the pat to the head, the pygmy puff settled on the table instead, apparently expecting a cupcake. Yeah, sorry Mags, not yet.
Oh? Eyebrow raised. "They were on a tray? And you just took them?" Didn't it seem strange, Lex? Like, what if the cupcakes were for someone in particular? And...who cared, right? Lottie still took one, randomly choosing it. "Did you try them already?" If not, they should find someone to try them on, and they were at the perfect table for it. Unsuspecting Hufflepuffs, right? Perhaps the Head Girl would like to try one...
...and no, no cookies, that was alright.
BEAM! "You are!" But she was still a bit sad for Alice, you know. Wait, what, the plates? "Shouldn't we be worried about it?" Because Astronomy was a rather expensive class, and if they didn't have the usual plates...then imagine what else got demoted. Should they be worried about it? Not really. "Actually, nevermind, we shouldn't." She'll be fine once she got to see Professor Flamsteed.
OH, HI SEEKER!BOY. Lottie smiled widely at him and did the whole blowing-kisses-at-him thing. She could've just waved, but yeah.
"What did you see?" THIS better be worth it, Lex.
OH WAIT! "Before I forget...," because this was THE most important thing ever, "...Garrick is not for hexing." See? VERY important.
More smiling. This Hufflepuff table visit was becoming a shining success--except the part where Lottie kept looking over
there but Lex wouldn't comment. No way. She was in too much of a good mood right now and the red cups were just tickling her insides. How was Lottie NOT laughing yet????
"I did." She said, rather matter of factly. The fact that they were on a tray meant they were to be served so of course she took them! As for the testing.
"I had one on the way up. Seeing as I haven't dropped dead I'm pretty sure they're safe." They didn't even taste funny either so they must have been okay. Unless, of course there was some other reason why she shouldn't have taken them...didn't matter either way. They would have food! They would NOT starve!
And Lottie was beaming at the fact that she was still aliiiiive.
This made her a little happier than it should have but she was still taking this whole day in and she wasn't sure where she and Lottie stood--then the beaming and smiling happened and now she was just HAPPY, OKAY???
"Nah, nothing to worry about. This is probably a very funny prank. I feel sorry for the sucker who gets caught but some entertainment never hurt anyone." Especially not at the start of term. ANY entertainment would be welcome.
"On the ride here--" Stop, Lottie was interrupting to say stuff. Stuff about Garrick and hexing and...
Name sounded familiar--
Right. Him.
"Garrick is not for annoying Alexa either. If he annoys me I hex him. If he doesn't, I don't. The world is a simple place and doesn't need to get any more complicated than that. BUT ANYWAY," because she felt that what she'd seen was FAR MORE IMPORTANT than not being able to hex someone,
"you know the thestrals that pull the carriages?? There was a baby thestral walking along side the one pulling ours! It was so cute!!! And and and the other thestral kept looking at it and they kept looking at each other then he was playing around the carriage and stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuff." See? WAY more important. GRIN.