Bre Bear | Asherine | Whisper | Kemmy | Raeney | Madyra | Bumble Bee SPOILER!!: BLISSYBOOBEAR Quote:
Originally Posted by ForeverYours Bliss turned her attention away from everyone else momentarily, to look for any new faces and it didn't take her long to spot one. This one was certainly NEW and she certainly KNEW him. She almost jumped up out of her seat and ran to him, but she didn't. Instead, she gave him a little wave and called to him. "Hey, over here, Nashy." She patted the space beside her, indicating that he could sit beside her if so pleased.
If he didn't want to, then .. that was alright, too. All over the chatter in the hall he could hear a voice. A voice? A girls voice. Where was it coming from? Who was it? Was it in his mind? Did the voice in his head change from his to another? Like a female voice? That was impossible, wasn't it? WAS HE GOING INSANE? Nash turned his head towards the voice, it was a girl. Nope, it was just...Bliss?
Nashville grinned, a little squeal like noise came from his voice...ooopsie. Nashy covered his mouth for a moment. "BLISSSSSYYYY!" there it was, his little excitement of the feast...wait was there going to be food...well of course there would is like a normal feast? Wasn'***? It had to be...right? Fooooooooooood. He needed fooooood.
Oh hey, lookie here...Bliss was inviting him to come sit with her...coool...coool....would there be fooood?
Nashville got up from his seat and walked over to sit next to Bliss. "Hey, hey." he grinned.
__________________ maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive  maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise |