Join Date: Feb 2011 Location: Wales
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Jade Archer de Leon Slytherin Fourth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Ivy Charlton Hufflepuff Fifth Year | Little Fox | ½ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA "It was?" Oh. She sighed in disappointment. Though it wasn't as if she'd expected anything else, she wished he'd seen something. She'd had enough mysteries last term to last her the REST of her school life. No joke. Slowly, she picked up a fork and looked at it curiously, bending it backwards slightly with her finger, being careful not to break it. They were awfully breakable, as Theo had proved earlier and she wouldn't want to go pulling a Theodore now, would she?
That wouldn't be a great way to start the year.
Letting out a discontent sigh, she dropped the fork back onto the table, just as Alec wrapped her in a hug. A little warning would have been nice, yeah? Plus, normally it was HER hugging HIM, or, you know, jumping on his back. Not the other way around, so this .. this caught her off guard, but she hugged him back nonetheless. A hug was a hug, a surprise or not. Alec's hugs were lovely, she thought, before pulling back and beaming at the boy. "It's good to see you, too," she exclaimed, honestly. SPOILER!!: ELLAAA~
Hufflepuff table. Ella made her way over to it wearing a small smile on her face. She was tired, sure, but also excited to see her second family and meet its newest members. N'aww ickle baby badgers were going to be cute, yeah? Besides, she had recruiting responsibilities now.
Spotting the boyfriend and the Bliss, the blonde grinned and waved to them. "Hey guys!" She then plopped down next to her boyfriend and planted a kiss on his cheek.
Blink. "Plastic?" What was this about? "Do you think that the House elves don't want to wash dishes anymore?" Oh, look here, it was Ella. One third of the ferocious trio. Just before the older girl sat down, Bliss gave her a small wave and a smile. "Hey, Elly." She said, propping her elbow up on the table and leaning forward to see around Alec. "How was your summer? Good?" She asked hopefully. Hers was, so she expected Ella's was too.
'Cos that was the way her logic worked.
So, she and Alec weren't the only ones to notice the odds kitchen utensil choices, then? "Odd, isn't it?" Why would the elves do this? It couldn't be something to do with the 'economy'. If it was, wouldn't they still HAVE the utensils? Or .. maybe they'd had to sell them? It seemed more likely that the Headmistress was just going through a faze and 'trying something different'. All other possibilities still wouldn't end with there being no way of setting out the proper plates and cutlery. SPOILER!!: NESSIEEE~
The beginning of the end. Here it was. The Start of Term Feast.
Everything was already flying by too fast. It felt like it was a minute ago she had boarded the train, yet here all the Hogwarts kids were, arriving for their start of term feast. This year was going to go by faster than previous years, wasn't it? That's not what Nessie wanted, she oddly wanted it to drag, but she knew at Hogwarts the only sort of time dragging that happened occurred during classes you did not like and even then that was almost never.
At the door of the great hall, the Hufflepuff paused. She needed a breathe, a quick pep talk with herself. After breathing in then out, she mumbled about telling herself that she could do this. Eventually after checking her robes were neat and tidy she walked across the hall towards her Hufflepuff table.
Smiiiiille. Her three kiddos were there and already seated together. Alec, Bliss and Ella. Except why were they going on about--oh.
Plastic everything. Odd. Very odd. "Um...weird." And was that banner torn? What happened to Hufflepuff, or Hogwarts pride? Small frown. "Even the banners, look at them."Were the elves maybe on strike? Or was Hogwarts bankrupt. Always something going on at Hogwarts then, eh?
It was her Nessers. Her Nessers was here. So far during the feast, Bliss had remained calm and normal, but now, she was about ready to explode. She had many things that she wanted to say to the Seventh Year and knowing her, they'd all come out at once. A hug, at least, would come before all of that. "NESSERS!" Bliss exclaimed, shimmying down the bench to her former Captain. She promptly wrapped her arms around the girl and squeezed tight. Finally, she wasn't TOO small. Over the summer, she'd grown, not just as a person, but in height. She was now exactly-ish four feet tall. Granted, that was still quite small, but not TOO small anymore. She liked it. Especially, since it showed off how she'd grown as a person, too. "How was your summer? Great, I hope! Congratulations on becoming Head Girl, I know you're going make a great one. You really, really deserve it. I've missed you SO much!"
Was that her ramble over?
Almost. Just once more thing. "I hope I make you proud this year." OH. Someone was hugging her and that was .. kind of unexpected, but she hugged them back nevertheless. She should probably have checked who it was that she was hugging first, but she hadn't, so whatever. It turned out to be Minnie, though, so it didn't matter that she hadn't checked.
The fourth year gave the girl a small beam before greeting her. "Minnie! Hey! My summer was pretty great," she exclaimed, "I spent most of it with West and .. and it was great. Really great." Leaving out the part where she'd found out that he liked someone else, as well as her. Besides that it was great. Eventually, she'd have to face up to it, but for now, it was all good and was pretty happy. Turning her attention away from Alec, Ella, Nessie and Minnie, she focused on another, very eager looking, 'Puff. A first year, by the looks of it. Did this mean that she got to play the mature, older girl that was helpful, and all of that? COOL. That was what she would do. Prove herself to the world and help other people be happy, even if she wasn't.
The perfect plan.
Bliss slid up to where the boy was and gave him a small beam. "Hey, kiddoooo," she said. It felt weird on her tongue, the word 'kiddo', that was why she'd stretched it out. "Congrats on getting into Hufflepuff, you'll love it here," she assured him. "I'm Bliss." Was there anything else she could say? Bliss turned her attention away from everyone else momentarily, to look for any new faces and it didn't take her long to spot one. This one was certainly NEW and she certainly KNEW him. She almost jumped up out of her seat and ran to him, but she didn't. Instead, she gave him a little wave and called to him. "Hey, over here, Nashy." She patted the space beside her, indicating that he could sit beside her if so pleased.
If he didn't want to, then .. that was alright, too. Yet ANOTHER 'Puff?
This year, there seemed to be an abundance of ickle Hufflepuffs, or was it just her that thought that? Probably.
Didn't matter, though. The more, the merrier. She shuffled over on the bench and greeted the girl with a smile. "Hey, I'm Bliss. Welcome to Hufflepuff." Her voice oozed friendliness, or, at least, she hoped it did. She wanted to make a good impression, especially to the little ones and being friendly was definitely the right direction to head. Not that she hadn't friendly before.
Last edited by natekka; 05-04-2013 at 09:25 PM.
Reason: more peopleeeee!