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She didn't care about the dishes. NO. She did not. And she'd never really cared about anything before. But this is mad...
This couldn't be happening! Shouldn't! She walked the length of the Gryffindor Table and slumped into the table, rather reluctantly. Head in her hands, she began to curse the Sorting Hat.
Stupid, idiotic, egoistic....argh! MAD HAT!
"Bravery above all! Who asked for that!" she said, loud. Freaking Gryffindor! Her dad had been wrong. Dad lied to me. It placed me in Gryffindor! She jerked and looked across the hall. Zyanya was seated snugly at the Ravenclaw Table.
WHY?! WHY ME? She glared at anyone who caught her eye. She didn't want this....NO!
Must talk to someone. Yes,yes...
For the first time in her life, she was getting tensed and angrier. And she had NEVER been tensed rule out angrier. The sorting hat had placed her in Gryffindor. She looked at the Slytherin Table. Her house, that was her house. Slytherin. Slytherin.
Ronnie noticed a firstie walk over to the table, looking really mad. She raised an eyebrow and watched as the girl sat down in the seat across from her. What was up with her?
"Hey," she said to the girl to get her attention.
"Are you okay?" she asked, eyeing her skeptically. Why would someone look mad on their first time at Hogwarts? And at the start of term feast too!
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Aphrodite find Gryffindor House Table and promptly sat down on a bench that has been provided. When she looked at the desk, she realized that something was wrong.
Theo was never told about cutlery tool like this. He always tell each meal lasts, cutlery used is always made of silver and so forth. Staring at a senior student who now looks confused, Aphrodite ventured to say hello. "Hello, my name is Aphrodite," she told the senior student.
...And then another first year joined the table, looking happier than the other one. She couldn't help but say hello... she loved making new friends.
She smiled brightly at the girl.
"Hello and welcome to Gryffindor!" she said.
"I'm Ronnie." she added, stretching her hand out towards the girl to shake.
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Melanie was quite fond of the school uniforms. It was strange but she liked it. Humming to herself an old song from like... almost a century ago, she walked into the Great Hall and towards the Gryffindor table. Same old, same old. Except it wasn't "same old, same old"... not really. A sixth year. She was a sixth year. Spotting Christmas, Melanie smiled and wiggled her fingers in greeting before plopping herself down at a random seat.
This was definitely not "same old, same old"... because "same old, same old" didn't mean plastic silverware and foam plates and red cups. What was going on? Melanie looked at her spork, holding it up at the ceiling and trying to see what was special about it. There was nothing special about it other than the way it was plastic and it was plastic.
Well then... Melanie set the spork down and straightened it. She wondered what had happened.
Then another lion sat down at the table. Ronnie hadn't really talked to her before, but she'd seen her around Hogwarts several times. What was her name...? Ronnie looked at her thoughtfully...oh yeah! She was pretty sure it was Melanie. Or something like that..
She scooted next to her.
"Hey there!" she said, smiling.
"It's...Melanie, right?" she asked.
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Saz Hale
Christmas smiled at Aphrodite and said "Pleasure to meet you Aphrodite, i am Christmas"
Oooh! Christmas! Ronnie grinned as she saw her friend. They hadn't really talked for a long time. She waved over at the girl.
"Hiya, Christmas!" she said. Perhaps all this talking with everyone would clear her mind from being so sad over this being her last year...so far, it was helping a little bit.
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"Don't look anywhere but at me, okay?" Alice instructed Dora as she adjusted her friend's face towards her again. No looking at that stupid boyfriend of hers, SHE was a much better view. And Dora had gotten her fill of snogging after the train, so the fifth year had decided she could have all of her attention right now.
She squished into a seat by Penelope, beckoning Melanie over to where she was and pulling down Dora beside her. "I brought a Ravenclaw, everyone, don't be alarmed." Just in case they were wondering why there was an eagle at their table. She'd been invited. Plastic plates and utensils, though, were most certainly not welcome. And what was with that fraying banner? Hogwarts looked dingy.
"I think Truebridge set out the cutlery for one of her garden parties by mistake." Alice did not want a spork, okay?
She hadn't spoken to Alice in a while as well...actually, a LONG while. What had happened? She missed talking to her...she was really cool and fun to be around. Hopefully they could hang out more this year or something.
She got out of her seat and made her way over to Alice and the girl she was sitting with.
"Hey, Alice!" she said.
"Haven't talked to ya in awhile." she said. She then turned to the girl Alice was with.
"Hi, I'm Ronnie!" she introduced herself with a smile.
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Max walked into the hall, it felt like forever since he'd been here...though it had only been a few months it felt like such a loooooong summer to him. He thought it felt weird with no Selina here...and another year without Kurumi passing out cookies..
But it was a new year, he was one year closer to graduation which was happy and sad..another year closer to becoming an Animagus which thanks to his Patronus he had a pretty good idea of what he'd become..maybe it would be fun being a wolf.
He walked to his table and fount an open seat, waiting for food and first years, the speech, everything the start of term feast had to offer...maybe making a few new friends and hopefully seeing some old ones.
Max! Ronnie hadn't talked to him in
f-o-r-e-v-e-r! She scooched next to her friend and wrapped him in a tight hug.
"Hey, Max!" she said as she let him go.
"I haven't talked to you in forever!" she exclaimed. No, she wasn't overexaggerating...she really hadn't seen him in forever. 'Twas true.
Well, it's what it felt like, anyway.
"How was your summer? How have you been?" she asked. She hoped they could hang out more. She needed more lions close to her age to hang out with.