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Old 05-04-2013, 08:45 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander River Hirsch
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:

x11 x11
Default Mentions of Lottie and Candy Girl towards the end ^_^
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse

Text Cut: Bliss!
Originally Posted by ForeverYours View Post
Bliss stared blankly. Was this some kind of joke. Though she had NOTHING against stuff and not-so-good-quality things, this was just .. odd. Had the house elves accidently broken everything and had to replace them with plastic? Somehow, she didn't think so. Which just begged the question of, how HAD this happened?


The fourth year's eyes trailed back and forth over the table, looking for anything shifty nothing in particular and spotted Alec. Sliding up the bench towards him, she nudged him gently. "Hey, Alec. Do you ... know anything about ... this?" She asked, a small smile on her lips as she picked up a plastic fork and showed him. Though, judging by his confused expression, she'd guess that he'd already seen them and didn't know anything more than she did.


No one? No? Sadface.

Alec sat there, still really very confused about all of... this. Sure, it was only plastic cutlery and there wasn't anything bad about it. Maybe. But... he was so used to the metal silverware and now... this was a really sudden change. And was this permanent? Questions questions questions.

Feeling someone nudge him, Alec jumped a tiny bit before looking over towards the person who was now sitting next to him. "Oh hey Bliss!" he said, grinning slightly at the younger badger. FINALLY. Someone who had noticed the plastic cutlery as well. Could he freak out with her? PLEASE?! "Nope! It was like this when I got here," Meaning that he hadn't really seen anyone swap the cutlery around. ... Would someone do that?

Shaking his head, Alec placed the cup down before wrapping his arms around Bliss and giving the girl a quick hug. "But... hey! It's good to see you!" Especially since they hadn't really seen each other over the summer. Yeah... what was that about?

Text Cut: Ells!
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Hufflepuff table.

Ella made her way over to it wearing a small smile on her face. She was tired, sure, but also excited to see her second family and meet its newest members. N'aww ickle baby badgers were going to be cute, yeah? Besides, she had recruiting responsibilities now.

Spotting the boyfriend and the Bliss, the blonde grinned and waved to them. "Hey guys!" She then plopped down next to her boyfriend and planted a kiss on his cheek.


"Plastic?" What was this about? "Do you think that the House elves don't want to wash dishes anymore?"


Forgetting about the cutlery for a moment or two, Alec looked up at the girl as she plopped herself down right next to him, a big grin spreading itself across his face. There was just something about this girl that always seemed to make him happy, even if he was very very confused at the moment. But she was here so... GRIN.

He reached up a hand and gingerly touched the spot on his cheek where she had kissed him. This was really nice. It sort of meant that something was still the same as before, yeah? "Hey Ells!" he said, reaching over to give her a big hug. A second of two later, he let go and dropped his voice down to a whisper to ask, "Erm... how are you feeling?"

Also... YEAH. She had noticed the plastic cutlery too? ... It wasn't hard to miss them but... yeah. And while he had been busy freaking out over the sudden change, the blonde had... sort of come up with a reason. "Maybe..." he said, shrugging, "But if that's the case, they're not going to go on a strike, are they?"

Text Cut: LochNessie!
Originally Posted by Talikins View Post
The beginning of the end. Here it was. The Start of Term Feast.

Everything was already flying by too fast. It felt like it was a minute ago she had boarded the train, yet here all the Hogwarts kids were, arriving for their start of term feast. This year was going to go by faster than previous years, wasn't it? That's not what Nessie wanted, she oddly wanted it to drag, but she knew at Hogwarts the only sort of time dragging that happened occurred during classes you did not like and even then that was almost never.

At the door of the great hall, the Hufflepuff paused. She needed a breathe, a quick pep talk with herself. After breathing in then out, she mumbled about telling herself that she could do this. Eventually after checking her robes were neat and tidy she walked across the hall towards her Hufflepuff table.

Smiiiiille. Her three kiddos were there and already seated together. Alec, Bliss and Ella. Except why were they going on about--oh.

Plastic everything. Odd. Very odd. "Um...weird." And was that banner torn? What happened to Hufflepuff, or Hogwarts pride? Small frown. "Even the banners, look at them."Were the elves maybe on strike? Or was Hogwarts bankrupt. Always something going on at Hogwarts then, eh?

And then things became a little sad. All because a certain redhead entered the Hall and Alec... remembered things.

Alec frowned slightly as he watched the girl walk over towards the Hufflepuff table and, more specifically, to where he was seated with Bliss and Ells. It would be exactly like the time Keefer left, yeah? Alec remembered that day very well. He remembered the way he wanted to hug the guy and not let him go because letting him go would mean him leaving. And this... would be similar yeah?


Head!shake. He smiled at the girl and reaching over, gave her a BIG hug. Because, well, hugs were a part of his greeting to people he knew well enough. Nodnod. "Hey LochNessie!" Did she... want to be Head Girl LochNessie just yet? Because he couldn't call her Captain LochNessie anymore so... new nickname? Yes? No? Maybe so?

... What? Alec's grey eyes shot up and he BLINKED. The frown that had been playing on his face when Nessie walked in was back. "They've never been torn before, right?" he asked, looking down from the banners and at the redhead, "Erm... do you think... someone tore them on purpose?" Or... was it another reason entirely? FROWN.

Text Cut: Minnie!
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva walked into the great hall with a big smile across her face. She was back at school, back with her friends, and she was more then thrilled now that she was here. She glanced at the claw table seeing Ethan already there. She would hopefully talk to him later, but she wasn't going to keep him from his friends. So moving to her table she looked around at the ones that were already there.

Hey Alec" She gave him a hug, "Thanks for the talk on the train, you really helped." She gave him a little wink. Yes she had been a little sad, but he, just as a little brother would he helped and she felt better for it.

Another psuedo older sister! GRIN.

And she looked happy! Which Alec really liked. After their talk on the train, he was sort of worried that he had ended up upsetting the girl with talks about Ethan and the whole 'leaving' thing. She did look sad about it, yeah, and he was sad about no more Ethan as well but... he sort of wished he hadn't made her sad. Little brothers don't do that, yeah?

BUT SHE WAS SMILING. Just like she did whenever anyone mentioned her boyfriend. "Hey Minnie!" he said, wrapping his arms around her to return her hug, "Oh, anytime! I'm really glad that the talk helped," Nodnod. And... that wink meant that it was going to stay between the two of them? It wasn't as if they talked about anything too secretive but... he could go with this.

Also... "Erm... it didn't make you feel sad, did it?"

Text Cut: Forrest! So adorable! <3
Originally Posted by Deniiz View Post
Forrest didn't remember when and how he'd walked to the table too--but this time he didn't remember out of DELIGHT. His face was all flushed and although they didn't fall--tears had piled up in his eyes. He almost skipped to the table and then, out of utter DELIGHT, did something he'd NEVER do again--he adressed the whole table by standing at its beginning.


Then, taking his seat somewhere in the middle, he kept beaming at people until he realised he probably looked pretty silly. He blushed a little and bowed his head forward in shame. Silly, SILLY Forrest making a scene everywhere!

Then his brain registered the plastic. It was enough to erase the smile completely.

With a troubled look on his face, he looked around to see whether someone explained it. Not that he was an expert on how things worked 'round here, but Hogwarts was rich enough to provide them with metal silverware and plates.


So... moving on from the plastic cutlery and any sad talk... Alec really wanted to meet some of the newly sorted Hufflepuffs. He really really REALLY wanted to say hey and greet them with a hug, if they liked that sort of thing. And maybe this'll distract them from... certain things. Yep.

He crossed his arms across the table and leant forwards slightly, his grey-blue eyes staring at the Sorting Ceremony that was taking place. It was weird to think that four years ago, he had been standing up there, secretly willing himself to get into the same house as his ex best friend. And now... it was all these enthusiastic firstie's turn.

And speaking of enthusiastic firsties... look at the newly joined Hufflepuff!

The nearly sixteen year old GRINNED as he watched the boy sit down somewhere that wasn't too far away from where he was sitting. Alec leant forwards a little more and waved enthusiastically at the boy. "Hey there!" he called, "Erm... welcome to Hufflepuff! You excited?" ... Was that a silly question?

... Oh... wait... "I'm Alec Summers, by the way,"

Text Cut: Lyss!
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
Alyssa sat down at the Hufflepuff House table. This was officially her last Start of Term Feast. She looked around at the happy faces around. Some familiar and well loved, others just acquaintances, and then there were fresh new faces, most likely first years and transfer students from other schools.

Alyssa was exhausted, suffering jet lag after having flown all the way from the States, and then followed by the ride from King's Cross to here, but she decided that she would at least have something to eat before heading downstairs to the Common Room to get some rest.

She looked around her again and realized that she was going to miss all this. She wished she didn't have to leave this place, but she knew some things were beyond her control. Her time at Hogwarts was coming to an end, and she had to accept it, whether she liked it or not.

... BLINK.

Oh. Another person leaving towards the end of the term. FROWN.

Alec watched as the girl entered the Hall and sat down at the table. It was kind of weird to think that this time next year, some of these people wouldn't be here. Like Lyss and LochNessie and Jory and Ethan. ... He was going to make a pact to get to know Ethan and Jory a little better this term. YES. This was going to happen. Nodnod.

But... Lyss. The nearly sixteen year old felt sort of bad for not seeing her at all over the summer but... that probably had something to do with the fact that she usually went over to the US over the summer, right? And as much as he wanted to, he couldn't hop over there for a day to see her. Dad would get jealous.

"Hey Lyss!" he called, waving enthusiastically at her as well, "Erm... you okay? Had a great summer?" Also, could he give her a hug? Please?


OH! LOOK. There was his favourite Candy Girl along with his favourite Chaser girl. Except... they seemed to be in deep discussion about something or another. Or were they? All Alec managed to hear was 'HAI' and that was just the start of a discussion, really. Not wanting to disturb them -- it could be girl talk, you know -- Alec grinned and waved at the two of them.
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