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Niamh was startled by a boy's voice. She looked up at the speaker, tucking hair behind her ears as she did so. "It's nice to meet you. I'm in Fourth Year, but I'm new here. I'm a bit lost if I'm honest." She paused to study the boy's face more carefully. "Did you live in France or something? I don't recognise you."The girl suddenly realised she hadn't told him her name. "I'm Niamh. Niamh Anfield-Hope. I did go to the wonderful Beauxbatons, yes." She said, sadly looking at the picnic tableware again. "I miss it already. I'm not completely sold on this Hogwarts yet, but I'm sure I will love it soon."
"It takes a while to figure things out," Mo agreed, propping his elbows on the table as he gazed up at his pile of plastic cups. A pyramid. He was like the Pharaoh of Solo right now. "I'm a fourth year as well. Last year was my first year here, but I attended Beauxbatons for first and second year. I don't suppose we had the same friends there."
He carefully built a catapult out of plastic silverware as he spoke. It was difficult for him to just sit here and not be BUSY with something, but such were the wonders of the Ravenclaw mind. Or the Branxton mind. "We usually have normal dishes. It's really nice here. Usually. Almost no one dies. Look, I bet I can flip a spoon all the way to the Head Table. You want to see if you can one farther?"
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Raven came off the Sorting Hat stand and approached her house table with a beam on her face. She hadn't really known what house she wanted to be placed in before coming here, but there was something very nice about finally finding out where you belong. Raven now had the distinct impression that the Ravenclaw people looked like the smartest, coolest, happiest, and just all around greatest!
And their table also looked like the most splendid of the - wait a minute. Was it just her imagination, or was the banner BROKEN? Yes, the banner certainly did look like it needed to be fixed. Huh.
Ah well, that was a small thing, Ravenclaw was awesome! She satd down and looked up at the staff table.
Oh, their first new First Year. Mo scooted down the table and unearthed one of his cups for the girl. "Welcome to Ravenclaw. Have a cup. It'll be about forever until they actually finish up and feed us, but you're welcome to flip a spoon at the Head Table with us."