ΒΌ of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pls
The moment Forrest had been dreading.
The moment of finding out he really was a good-for-nothing after all.
All the grandeur of Great Hall and the castle in general seemed to have diminished greatly. The world consisted only of the Hat over there that would basically shape his future. He probably looked paler than most of the students in the line--and whereas many seemed to be commenting on the charmed ceiling and floating candles and all, his eyes were locked on the Hat over there, and his brain was revising the plan he'd made for getting into Gryffindor. Be brave, don't hesitate while answering, sound confident.
UNluckily, his surname started with the third letter of the alphabet, so it would be his turn very quickly. He didn't tremble, at least. He only felt so cold as his hands sweated coldly. What is the big deal?, his other side kept asking. Your father's already proud of you. But if he learnt I'm sorted into the WORST house-- Then he won't find out!
Before he could rehearse enough what he'd prepared--before he was ready--before everything and anything--it was his turn to be sorted. He didn't even know what to do! Why didn't he peek at others anyway? What if Alexa had been the one messing with him and there really was a test and he wasn't magical at all? How was a HAT supposed to decide where he belonged to realistically? Magical or not, it looked like a simple hat! This was certainly a test and he was going to fail it. Because a hat couldn't read their minds, could it? He was going to fail--he could already hear the booing of people. What would his father think of him, then? You aren't even a wizard? You played with us?! Do you know just how MUCH those things costed us, Forrest? Do you even have a IDEA? G--GET OUT of my sight! Oh Goodness, oh goodness, please let me be an authentic wizard--he started walking--I can't fail in this, please let me an inspiration--ANYTHING!--he arrived at the stool--please please PLEASE--he put on the Hat in slow motion-- "HUFFLEPUFF!"
What? He opened his eyes, ignoring the tears of utter fear. Not that he could see much since the Hat had fallen down half his face--but he half-expected a professor to escort him towards the exit. The Hat had barely touched his head!
Seconds passed by and nobody came. In fact, a table he couldn't see clearly was clapping. 'Didn't you hear, Forrest? You're sorted into Hufflepuff. No doubt. One of the best suited to Hufflepuff that I've sorted, in fact!'
"I'm--I'm a WIZARD!" 'No doubt you are!'
Giggling incontrollably, he removed the Hat quickly and hopped off the stool to join Hufflepuffs.
Last edited by StarShine; 05-04-2013 at 07:31 PM.